Team competition

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It was another normal day in the bullpen. Sam and Callen were talking about sports, then Deeks butted in, and soon everyone was humbly bragging about how good they were at a particular sport.

Hetty couldn't help but overhear their bragging, so she walked over to the bullpen.

'So, you all claim you're all good at 1 particular sport?' She asked.

'Not just 1, a lot!' Deeks replied.

'Well, why don't I help put those skills to good use? Let's have a competition to see who on this team is better at a sport. You all get to pick the event. Take the rest of the day to figure out what you can all agree on. And also, Owen and I will be competing as well.'

Then she walked back to her office for the rest of the day.

In the gym

'Okay men, and Kensi. This meeting is to determine which event we will all compete against our bosses at! Who would like to go first?' Deeks asked.

'I'll start. We can rule out rock climbing and anything involving shooting, because we all know Hetty will kick our butts in those events.' Callen replied.

'You sure this has nothing to do with her whipping your butt on the rock wall over there?' Deeks replied.

'Deeks, she climbs like a monkey. Unless either of you want to be totally humiliated, be my guest.'

'Well, why not shooting? I have sniper skills.' Kensi rang in.

'Because I've seen Hetty practice in the shooting range. Trust me, she's as sharpshooter as it gets.'

'But aren't we all close to being that good?' Sam asked.

'She has an Olympic medal for a shooting event! That not good enough for you?' Callen asked.

'Okay okay. Moving on. How about surfing?' Deeks asked, changing the subject.

'You're the only one here who knows how to surf.' Callen replied.

They went back and forth on the events for the next 10 minutes.

'Baseball? We've never seen Hetty play.' Deeks suggested.

'No, but I know for a fact that she has a great throw. And do any of us want to take a chance that she DOESN'T know how to hit?' Callen replied.


'You're too cruel.' Sam replied.

'All right, is there any event where we all have some kind of skill and where we won't immediately get our butts kicked by Hetty?!' Deeks exclaimed.

At the end of the day

'Cycling? That's the event you chose?' Hetty asked.

'It's the only 1 we could agree to.' Callen replied.

'All right. We'll meet at the trails tomorrow.'

The next day

'Well, at least we have a good chance at winning this.' Deeks remarked, walking up the trail.

'What was wrong with track and field? We would've had lots of chances to win!' Kensi replied.

'Um, we would've all been wearing tank tops, and the thought of having to see Hetty and Granger wearing them too, made me throw up a bit in my mouth.'

'Ohhh, now that I think of that, yeah, that does sound a bit nauseating.'

'Well, (Noticing Sam and Callen getting ready), those 2 look like they've never ridden a bike before, so they should be easy to beat. Our only competition is those 2. (Pointing at Hetty and Granger).'

'Would it be too cruel to hope that 1 of them gets hurt? Because I just remembered that they both work out on the same exercise bikes that we work on, and they're both really good.' Kensi asked.

'That's a bit unsportsmanlike.' Deeks replied.

After the race started, Kensi and Deeks were neck and neck with Hetty and Granger, and Sam and Callen fell behind quickly, in a humorous way.

At 1 point, Deeks hit a rock and fell over.

'You okay?' Kensi asked.

'I'm fine, go catch our bosses!' Deeks insisted.

'Not with that cut on your knee I'm not!' Then she went and got out the bandages.

'Really Kens, I'm fine. (ow!)'

''Hey, this may just be a silly competition, but taking care of you is my top priority.'

After she finished bandaging his knee, they rode aside each other the rest of the way.

At the end of the race, they finished last.

'So, who really won?' Deeks asked.

'Hetty and Granger both finished first. It was so close, Nell and I had to do a photo finish to see who really won, and well. The photos weren't that great, and it looked like Granger actually crossed the line first, then Hetty started insisting that she crossed the line first. It wasn't pretty.' Eric replied.

'I think they're still going at it.' Nell remarked.

'Well, not having to witness that is a whole plus to this 'getting injured' thing.'

The next day in the bullpen

'That was really sweet what Kensi did for you.' Callen remarked.

'Thanks Callen.' Kensi replied.

Then Hetty and Granger walked in.

'No, I crossed the line first!' Granger exclaimed.

'Those stupid photos were blurry! I'M the winner here!' Hetty shouted back.

'No you're not!'

'They're still going at it?' Deeks asked.

'The only 1 more competitive then Kensi is Hetty.' Callen replied.

'Oh please.' Kensi grumbled.

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