Party fiasco

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As it turns out, trying to plan a Christmas party when the person who typically plans it is busy trying to plan her own wedding is actually not as easy as it looks!

'What do you mean there's no eggnog? There simply must be eggnog!' Kensi complained on the phone.

'Sorry miss, but we're all tapped out at this time.' The supplier on the other side replied.

'UGGGHHHH! How is it so difficult to get eggnog?!'

'We could just try to make it ourselves or just get the store bought stuff.' Deeks suggested while trying to decorate the palm tree.

'Deeks, really? Store bought stuff?!'

'Yeah, terrible idea, I know! But at least we'd reduce the chances of anyone getting drunk off the stuff, unlike last year when Granger downed 1 too many cups of it and Hetty had to step in to keep him from embarrassing himself.'

'Good point. But I'm sure someone here will complain about the cheap feel of it, and we know Hetty never goes cheap when it comes to drink quality.' Kensi pointed out.

'Yeah, but we're not Hetty. We don't have these major connections to famous wine makers, or however she gets her whiskey. Instead, we have to rely on the ordinary way of doing things, which is getting food and drinks from the grocery store.' Deeks reminded her.

'Okay then. We'll get what we need from the store, and if anyone complains, we'll just tell them they're being too cheap. Thank you.'

That evening, everyone didn't seem to mind the store bought food and drinks, they were just happy to be together.

Until someone decided to put a little whiskey in the eggnog t make it taste better and accidentally put in too much, which made lots of people really tipsy, even the 1 team member with the highest tolerance got drunk! And by the time Deeks discovered what the source of the problem was, it was already too late for most of the party goesers.

It was a long night of making sure everyone got home safely, and when they finally got home themselves, they vowed to never plan another office Christmas party again.

'I, never want to see our bosses drunk ever again! (shudders). Agree?' Deeks asked, still getting over what he saw.

'Ditto! The off key singing was bad enough, but what if 1 of them actually DID manage to get their clothes off?! I think I'd have nightmares for days!' Kensi replied, just as shaken.

'Same here! I'm not 1 to bash old people for looking well, old. And I'm sure both of them are in great shape given that they both work out a lot. But that doesn't mean I want to see them naked!'

'At least Sam was able to stop them.'

'That guy is like a metal machine, nothing ever gets to him. Heck, I don't think I've ever seen him drunk!'

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