Surprise Visit

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Note: This is just some wishful Season 13 speculation


'Oh my gosh!! I'm so happy to see you both!' Nell exclaimed when she answered the door.

Kensi to hug Nell, and Deeks went to hug Eric.

'You told her, didn't you?' He whispered.

'I'm terrible at keeping secrets like this, you knew that!' Eric whispered back.

'Well whatever, just glad to see you, man!'

They toured the whole house, which was basically a mansion.

'This whole place is incredible!' Deeks said, amazed.

'You think that's great, you should see this epic 'man cave' that I had built!' Eric replied.

While Eric showed Deeks his 'man cave', Kensi and Nell talked.

'So, how have you been?' Kensi asked.

'Been great! You?' Nell replied.

'Difficult. Deeks and i have been having a lot of issues with trying to have a family.'

'I'm very sorry to hear that.'

'Yeah.' Then she noticed an odd looking piece of luggage.

'Isn't that one of Hetty's bags?' Kensi asked.

'Yeah. She left it when she stayed here for a few weeks.' Nell responded.

'She was here?! For how long and why?'

'She just randomly showed up 1 night looking for a place to stay. She didn't say the real reason why as to why she wanted to stay, but I think it had something to do with some kind of mission in another country.'

'Well, she was in Syria earlier this year, maybe that has something to do with it. Did she seem to be okay?'

'She was definitely happy to see me and Eric, but I think that was it. She seemed, sad, shaken, and probably lonely. Whatever it is she's been doing, it's probably been bad enough to give her bad dreams that make her cry out in her sleep for a couple of nights.' Nell said.

'Oh dear!'

'I don't mind calming her down, I actually had to do it a few times when we saved her from Vietnam, but this time, it seemed different. Like something was really shaking her up, something worse then traumatic memories. I tried asking, but she kept saying 'classified'. Nell said, worried.

Kensi was going to ask more, but then Deeks and Eric came back.

After dinner, Kensi told Deeks what Nell told her.

'That sounds really worrisome. What would shake up such a tough person worse then traumatic memories?' Deeks asked.

'I don't know! Maybe she's being hunted? Or she's hunting someone and something bad happened? Either way, I think we should try to find her when we get back home. Because this all sounds like she'll need help sooner then later.' Kensi replied, concerned.

'Well, until then, we can enjoy our stay at this incredible place! Have you seen how many arcade machines are in this place?!'

'Did you see the bathrooms in this place?! Makes me wonder how they keep this place clean, or why they even bother leaving!'

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