Merry Christmas 2021

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Everyone was out enjoying Christmas. Callen decided to go somewhere, and he didn't tell anyone where exactly.

Sam was with Katherine.

Fatima and Roundtree were with her parents.

Hetty was still in Syria.

Kilbride was, not telling anyone what he planned on doing for the holidays.

Kensi and Deeks were at home.

At their home

'Getting tired of listening to that song yet?' Kensi asked as Jingle bell Rock blared on the stereo for the umpteenth time.

'No way Fern! Songs like this deserve to be listened to a hundred times over!' Deeks replied, while booging. 'Something smells delicious in there!'

'Yeah, I'm making dinner for later.'

At dinner

'Mmm! That was really good!' Deeks said, satisfied.

'Thank you!' Kensi replied.

'Think you're a little disappointed that we didn't really do anything for Christmas this year?'

'Well, given that Kessler is still out there, I figured that it'd just be safer to just stay here for the time being.'

'Still though, with everything that we've been through this year...'

'Look Deeks, I'm fine with celebrating here at home, okay?! Now let's watch A Christmas Carol.' Kensi sharply replied.

During the movie

'Hey, sorry if I was butting in earlier. I get that we're trying to avoid getting killed by a deranged stalker, especially during the holidays. I just thought that we'd do something nice this year.' Deeks said, trying to ease the tension.

'That's okay. If you want, we can do something for New Year's.' Kensi replied.

'You mean throw a wicked party that has all the neighbors complaining about the noise? Sweet!'

'No! No (chuckle), I meant something nice like, going to see your mom?'

'Oh (sounding slightly disappointed), well. We can do that as well.'

'Merry Christmas Deeks.'

'Merry Christmas Kensi.'

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