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A few years ago.

'Gotta say, you haven't stopped talking about this Kensi girl since you got here.' Ray said.

'Oh sorry about that. She's just so, interesting you know? She's tough, doesn't take nothing from anyone, and she can take down thugs half her size!' Deeks replied.

'And I take it she's cute as well?'

'Yes! Very!'

'Sounds like you might really like her. (wink).'

'We're just friends. I doubt she'd ever go for someone like me.' Deeks replied.

Hanging with the Tiffany's

'You sure like to bring up your new friend Deeks.' 1 of the Tiffany's pointed out.

'Was I bringing him up too much? Sorry. He's just, different from most guys I've known. Not in any bad ways, but different.' Kensi replied.

'He's definitely cute though, right?'

'Well, in a sense, yeah.'

'Oooh, sounds like Kensi might have a crush!' The 2nd Tiffany swooned.

'What? No, no way! There's no way we'd ever be a couple, we're too different! We'd drive each crazy after 1 day!' Kensi replied in a defensive tone.

After the ice rink kiss.

'Guess our friends were right about us. How does that feel?' Deeks asked.

'That maybe, maybe... Aw nuts, I forgot what I was going to say! (giggle).' Kensi replied.

'That's okay. I love you just the same.'

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