Another trip to Japan

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'Hey! So nice to see you 2 again! Has it already been a year since your last visit?' Nell eagerly greeted Kensi and Deeks at the door of her and Eric's big mansion.

'We're only staying a few days this time, so let's make the best of it! Is Eric back from work yet?' Kensi asked, bringing her bags in.

'Not until this evening. He's very excited to see both of you though!'

'Well, I'm gonna help myself to his man cave game room until then! You both okay with unloading our bags into the guest room?' Deeks asked.

'Sure, go on and play!' Kensi replied.

'Aw sweet!' Then he ran off.

While unloading, Kensi noticed that Hetty's bags were still there.

'Did Hetty stop by recently?' She asked.

'Only for a couple days this time. I tried to get her to stay, but she kept saying there was something really important she had to do. She looked, more shook up this time around. Almost like something really got to her that she was too scared to bring up.' Nell replied.

'Well, a couple of months ago, Callen said that she was involved in a terrible ambush at a building she was using as a safe house, and that she was thought to be dead for the day before it was proven she was still alive. Maybe that's why.'

'Oh my, that's terrible! I, really hope she's okay. She has Keane working with her, but she just looked so alone.'

'Yeah, I hope she is too.' Kensi replied. 'So, did you tell Eric yet?'

'Not yet. I only just found out a few days ago. The only other person who knows beside you is Hetty, I thought it might cheer her up. She was really happy about it.'

'Well, better make sure my husband doesn't fall asleep in that game room this time around!'

That evening, Nell told Eric she was having a baby, and he couldn't have been more happy if he tried!

'Wow. The only times you got to see him that happy is if you give him too much candy, or coffee, or if you let him beat you at a very tough video game.' Deeks remarked.

'Well, he has a good reason to be happy.' Kensi replied.

'Yeah, real happy for him! Say, you're not holding any resentment for them, are you? Given that, they can have a baby, and we can't?'

'No! No, not at all. I long accepted that it's not to meant to be.. Come on, let's go sing silly carols and see if we annoy anyone!'

So they did. And they enjoyed each other's company that night.

Endnote: Yeah, this is a bit of a sequel to 1 of my stories from last year.

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