Making cookies

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'Mmm. Something smells good!' Deeks said, noticing the yummy smell in the kitchen.

'Yeah! I'm making cookies for the office Christmas party.' Kensi replied, taking a trey out of the oven.

'You sure that's a good idea? Didn't you give everyone food poisoning last year?'

Awkward chuckle. 'Not gonna happen this year! Hetty gave me a good cookie recipe.'

'And you're sure you're following it right?' Deeks asked.

'Deeks, I've been carefully looking at this this piece of paper all day, checking and double checking each step! Trust me, I know what I'm doing.' Kensi replied.

'Okay okay! I believe you. Can I lick the dough bowl?

'Yes, just lick it and scram so I can work!'

That evening

'Well, only 1 way to know for sure that these cookies won't poison everyone. And that's to eat 1.' Deeks said, looking at all the finished cookies.

'Well (grabbing a cookie), here goes nothing.' Kensi replied.

At the office Christmas party

'Just so we're clear, we're not going to end up spending all day next to the toilet if we eat these? Because taking care of Hetty while also being sick yourself is not fun! Noticing Hetty's dirty look. 'No offense.' Callen asked.

'Not to worry! We ate a couple of these and we're still fine.' Deeks replied.

'Sounds like a trap.' Sam remarked.

'Guys, it's not a trap! Hetty gave me a good recipe. Tell them, Hetty!' Kensi chimed in.

'She's right. I say we try 1. And if I get sick again, I know who will be my nurse again!' Hetty replied.

'Oh please don't get sick again!' Callen pleaded in his head.

Everyone had a cookie, and thankfully, no one got sick the next day

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