Private retreat

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'It's a private retreat that my mom went on last year, and she loved it! I think you'd like it.' Deeks offered.

'I don't know. Private retreats aren't really my thing.' Kensi replied.

'Well, it'd get us time off work, get us quality time together, sounds like a win win!'

'Okay, if you insist.'

They arrived at the retreat the next day.

'Isn't this lovely! Us and nature, and quiet time, what could be better?' Deeks cheerfully asked.

The next day, they overslept by accident.

On the 2nd day, they went on a hike and Deeks accidentally wandered into poison ivy.

And on the 3rd day, bad weather hit for 2 days.

On Day 5, they decided to just go home.

'Hey, I'm real sorry that this week wasn't as great as we wanted it.' Deeks said.

'Well, I wouldn't say that it wasn't all bad. I got to rub lotion on your itchy feet, and I got to calm you down during those sudden thunderclaps. I'd say that it was pretty good!' Kensi replied.

'I'm not afraid of thunderclaps.'

'You squealed like a girl.'

'No, I didn't!'

Kensi snickered. 'Keep telling yourself that.'

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