Busy night at the Squid and the Dagger

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It was a busy night at The Squid and the Dagger. Deeks and Callen were scrambling to fill orders.

'Jeez! If people keep coming in, we're going to need more tables!' Callen remarked.

'No room for them! Is Kensi back yet with the extra drinks?' Deeks asked.

'Didn't she say that she was stuck in traffic last time she called?'

'That was, about 10 minutes ago. Oh man, we're going to run out of several drinks soon if this keeps up!'

Before he could freak out even more, Hetty came in with several bottles.

'I heard that there was an extra busy crowd tonight, so I brought some reinforcements.' She said.

'Hetty, aren't those drinks from your own collection? You never share any of that.' Deeks mentioned.

'Don't be silly, I'm willing to share in cases of emergency. And it looks to me that you may need the extra help. I hope your customers appreciate these rich drinks.'

10 minutes later.

'Sooo sorry it took me this long! Traffic was brutal coming from the store.' Kensi said, dragging in 2 boxes of beer.

'That's okay, I'm just glad you're here! Any more in the car?' Deeks replied.

'Yes, and plenty of them!'

As they were lugging them in, Deeks told her about Hetty's kind act.

'Wow, didn't think she'd ever let anyone that she didn't personally know touch her supply!' Kensi said.

'I know! Plus, she even stayed for a few minutes and waited on a few tables.' Deeks replied.

'I'll have to thank her tomorrow. Come, let's get these boxes unloaded!'

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