New Year's Eve

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Note: Last fic for 2020! Thank you for enjoying these so far! So far, the next 4 chapters are spoiler free for Season 13. :)


It was finally the last day of 2020. Kensi and Deeks had invited the whole team to the Squid and the Dagger for a big celebration.

'Okay everyone, listen up! I got some words to say!' Deeks said.


'This has no doubt, been one of the worst years of our lives. (everyone chuckles.) ('No need to say that twice!' someone said.). But, what matters right now, is that we're all still alive, and ready to face whatever hellish situation comes our way next. Am I right?'

'Yeah!' everyone said in agreement.

'Hate to interrupt, but I have something for everyone.' Nell said. And laid out a SAT phone on the bar.

'Uh, okay? Who's it for?' Deeks asked.

'For everyone. Hetty managed to get us a secure line to wherever she is, so we can talk to her on here instead of on one of the screens at work.'

'I don't suppose we can trace that phone to wherever she is, right?' Callen asked.


'Good try though.'

'Is she going to try to call us?' Deeks asked.

And as if on cue...


'I literally just said that!'

'Hetty?' Nell answered.

'Is this thing working?' Hetty asked.

'Yes it is. The whole team is here at the Squid and the Dagger, and they can all hear you!'

'Yeah yeah. How are you doing? Are you alright? When are you coming home?' everyone said at once.

'One at a time! 1st off, I'm okay. 2nd, I don't know yet as to when I'll be able to come home. 3rd, I called to wish you all a Happy New Year.' Hetty said.

'Oh. Well, be safe. And, Happy New Year!' Nell said.

'Happy New Year to you too, Hetty!' everyone said.

'Thank you!'

After that short call, the party resumed.

Just before midnight, when Deeks was in the back, Kensi went to see him.

'Needed a moment to yourself?' she asked.

'Yeah. Just thinking on this year, and on how glad I'll be to see it end!'

'Same here. Just making sure you're alright. And that it's almost midnight, so, if you want to kiss me at midnight...'

'I'm coming, I'm coming!'

The clock struck midnight, they kissed, and in that brief moment, everything was okay.


Endnote: I really wanted that Hetty bit to happen. :(

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