1st day jokes

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Takes place in Season 12



'Hello?' Kensi answered her phone.

'Hey there! Just letting you know that I got through the 1st day, and that I'm still alive! (light chuckle). How are things at your end?' Deeks asked.

Through Hetty's miraculous string pulling, Deeks got into FLETC so he could try to earn his NCIS badge so he and Kensi could continue to work together.

'Well, I'm happy to hear! Things are going okay here. Though, waking up and finding an empty spot on the bed can be a bit lonely.' Kensi replied.

'Aww, you miss me!'

(Amused) 'Well of course I'd miss you, silly! What made you think I wouldn't?'

'I don't know. There's plenty of other cute blondes out there.'

(Laughs) 'Deeks!' Kensi chuckled.

'Okay okay, I'll stop with the jokes for now. Right now, I'm feeling, very, very grateful that Hetty can still work miracles even from a whole other country. Because, I honestly wasn't looking forward to a future where we couldn't work together.' Deeks replied, seriously.

Kensi felt very touched.

'I'm grateful too. Because honestly, there's only so many times I can partner up with someone before I think I'm in love with them.' She jokingly replied.


'Gotcha there! (chuckle).'

'Ohhh, real good, real good there! Well, I should probably sign off for now. Take care of yourself out there, I love you.' Deeks finished.

'Love you too.' Kensi replied.

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