Age of Robots and Flying Cars

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Thank you so much for tuning in to another year of my one shots!


Sometime in the fuuuuuturrre.

'Whee hoo! This is so fun!' Deeks exclaimed, loving his new flying car.

'Just be careful with that thing! Wouldn't want to have to tell Hetty about you getting hurt up there!' Kensi called out.

It was the age of robots and flying objects. With some expert training, Robots were now in use at OSP. Some were used for cleaning, or for delivering food and drinks. Eric once asked Hetty if they could a whole fleet of robots to help them fight crime, but she refused, claiming it was 'too risky and costly.'

And of course there was the flying cars, which everyone loved. Knowing it could quickly get out of hand of they weren't careful (which was more then they wanted to admit), Hetty made everyone attend a flying car safety meeting.

'Dude, I think I fell asleep through that whole thing.' Callen said. 'Anyone else?'

'I paid attention. It's important that at least one of us tries not to get into an accident while flying through the air.' Sam replied.

'Pbbt. Yeah right! You say that, yet the minute you have to chase after a suspect, it'll turn into 1 of those Fast and the Furious movies!' Kensi chuckled.


'She kind of has a point, you know.' Callen pointed out.

'Well, at least I'm not like, say our bosses! Granger says Hetty might have already broken every in the air law regarding flying cars already in this state.'

'That's, not really that surprising, if it's true.' Callen muttered.

'Oh it's true. I made the mistake of riding with her 2 days ago, and we must have been way over the speed limit almost the entire time, AND we almost collided with 2 cars!' Granger said, walking by.

'Yikes! How do you put up with her?' Deeks asked.

'Oh, you'd be surprised. She's in the gym right now, teaching ninja skills to robots.'

'I thought she didn't want crime fighting robots because they could malfunction at a bad time?' Callen asked.

'She's not training them to fight crime. She's just training them to be ninjas. Which if you ask me, already has me scared.' Granger dryly replied.

'Man, Ninja robots, wouldn't that be something!' said Deeks.

'Recipe for disaster, if you ask me.'

By the time the robots training was done, the repair bill for the gym was already in the thousands of dollars.


Endnote: In case the kind people who run this event don't want to do this next year, I'm marking this collection as Complete. Thank you all so much for enjoying these 40 amazing one shots!

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