Chapter 30 ~ The Rose

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Friday was spent with perfect aftercare found in long cuddles and a beautifully assembled plate of fruit as we let the afternoon dissolve while we lay in his bed. Our bed. 

When the sun disappeared at 4:00, we were off for a five-star meal, cocktails, and dancing to live Christmas music at an upscale bar.

But when Saturday morning came and the snow covered the ground like a frozen, wintery quilt, I felt a change in the air. 

Something was different. But what could that something be?

I ponder the energy shift as I listen to Cameron rustle papers in his study. 

"Good morning," I say, passing by the doorway from the bedroom in that beloved pink robe he gave me. 

"Good morning, my love. Coffee's made," he announces huskily, eyes glued to his paperwork and his reading glasses perched lower down on his beautiful nose. 

I sit at the dining table, watching the frosted landscape with my delectable cup of his full-bodied blend. But not even the cup of joe that I've adored for months could make me feel any less disconcerted as to why I feel so strange all over.  

My bottom and thighs tingle like a sunburn against my seat and I remember how he left me scarlet yesterday. 

Was I dropping after our scene? 

I could not say one way or another. 

"Would you like to join me at my appointment with Jessica this afternoon?" Cameron's soft voice finds a way to boom as he appears in the kitchen, refilling a second cup.

"Oh, you know, I think I'll hang back and cook for the party. We can book a couple's appointment later, okay?" 

He smiles weakly, "Okay."

"Are you alright?" I ask him, wondering if it's his energy spilling onto mine. 

"Of course," Cameron takes a seat next to me and draws me into his familiar embrace. I realize his mood is as good as gold.  

When the afternoon arrived, Cameron left to see Jessica Lane at her office. I tidied, put out all my ingredients, and began to decorate with Christmas music playing in the background, which gave me a surplus of positive energy at last. 


New Message: Xavier Lush. 

We had made a group chat with all our party guests and many were responding with what they would bring for this potluck. 

When I see a notification from Xavier, I assume it's addressed to everyone. 

Yet, something about the way it pops up makes me take a second look. I open it up to read it's been sent to me personally:  "Hi Alexa, I look forward to seeing you tonight. How are you today?"

Do I answer something like that? 

I write it off as friendliness and answer: "Hi, Xavier. I'm really good. We look forward to seeing you too. How are you?"


"Day's going good. Just got back from the gym."

That's when I realize, this is beyond just friendly. I stop texting at once. In fact, I delete the whole conversation. 

Why do I feel like I have something to hide?

But why do I wish I could just reply? 


Cameron arrives home to find me ready for the evening. I'm wearing a long dress in a subdued shade of black, covered in velvety roses with sparkles embedded in the fabric. My full face of makeup is finished, my hair is straightened, and complete a coquette pink bow in a half-up, half-down style. 

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