Chapter 3 ~ One More Negroni

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Morning arrives, the sunlight dimly shining through my curtains and the crisp air blows through. the crack of my window. I breathe in the gusts of Autumn, for a moment, feeling thankful that it is nearly October.

Before leaving the bed, I check for Cameron's messages. Sure enough, he answered with, "A bratty submissive? Now that sounds interesting."

This leads me to question that I presume I know the answer to, "Have you had one before?"

I wonder for a moment if he's awake at 6:00 AM and sure enough, his reply appears. "I have never been in a relationship with one, but I've known them. I think I'd have fun keeping a brat in check as I do with any submissive, but she may take more work."

Sounds like he has multiple.

I am led to another question, "And how do you keep them in check?"

I wish the man would just tell me straight up what he is looking for. Sure, he knows I caught a glimpse of his teaching. But why is he delaying my gratification? He must know what he's doing.

My morning routine begins again. By the time I sit in my cubicle, there's still no message from him.

"Relax," I keep on telling myself.

Buzz. "It's quite simple, Miss Alexa, I just give them a firm but loving hand, so that they know I'm not one to test and then punish them depending on how bratty they are. If you're with me, you should expect to take many trips across my knee."

Oh my. I feel my eyes go wide in the lunch room. There we go, Cameron. You're giving me the information I need.

Satisfied at last, I lock my phone and go about my day. I am determined to prolong my independence for as long as possible. The reality of taking trips across his knee is far too tempting for a girl like me.

When I get to the gym at 4:15, my phone buzzes a second time to my surprise, "Did you get scared of the dominant you tried to test?"

Would you look at that, Magnus has double-texted me for the first time.

I watch myself in the mirror across from the TRX machine that I'm using. I catch the silly grin on my face and the excitement in my eyes. I feel a familiar sensation spread all over my body after he sprinkles a little bit of dominance into our conversation.

I answer, "Scared? No."

As I walk home while the sun sets, he replies, "What do you call going silent then?"

I opt for a cheeky response, unfazed by his pestering and attempt to control me, "It's called going to the gym."

I kick off my gym shoes at my front entrance as I read his next reply, "Very interesting, Miss Alexa. I could've known you kept up with your fitness. Well, you're going to stay safe from my belt and my cane as long as you're a good girl. Okay?"

Mister has successfully sucked all my words from me. The types of interactions that made me swoon between doms and subs in the erotica I read excessively in my high school years were now a part of my reality. I was sent into a submissive's cloud cuckoo land.

After freshening up for my night out, I catch an Uber to go for modern Mediterranean food with the friends of Eden Hall. I make small talk with the table but Cameron's last message stays in the back of my mind. My luscious daydreams of discipline are interrupted when Harry walks in.

I thought he was working tonight.

Harry makes his grand entrance as always, shouting, "Hello, everyone!" 

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