Chapter 22 ~ Unspoken Words

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I hope all my readers who celebrate had a very Merry Christmas Thank you for being the best Christmas gift I could ever ask for, absolutely all of you. All of you who vote, comment, follow, and even those who are reading silently. It has been so phenomenal to witness all of you enjoying my work. I have just finished rereading the whole thing and tying up loose ends in the final chapters. Let's just say I'm very excited for the journey to continue.

The soreness across my backside awakes me with a dull sting. I roll onto my belly to check if Cameron is still there, half-expecting him to be out of bed as usual. But there he is, slumbering peacefully, golden brown locks hanging over his eyes. I realize now Cameron is a back sleeper. His large right-hand rests on the sheet that swaddles around his abdomen. I stare at it, remembering all he did last night. I also eye the purple paddle still resting on the nightstand.

He never put it away. 

I stare at him awhile. I have never woken before him in times past. I try to shut my eyes to drift off again but my skin is far too sore to sleep now. The burning sensation keeps me wide awake. Gingerly, I flip even further and pull the sheet off my body, seeking relief. That is when Cameron is awoken.

"Good morning, sweetheart," Cameron murmurs, eyes suddenly opening. He sees me in my nightie, bottom raised up and my right hand resting on the pillow next to my face.

"Morning, sir," I whisper.

Sir has become more than just a title of authority for him. It is a term of endearment to me now.

Cameron slides me over by the hips, careful not to touch my backside. He crouches next to me, rubbing the exposed part of my back, and kissing my face a number of times, "How's my girl?"

"Very sore," I grouse playfully.

"I'll hold back my comments on how proud of myself I am. I have something that will help, okay? Beyond what I gave you last night."

"Alright," I sigh, reaching for his hand.

"Let go of me and I'll get it, baby."

I obey at once and I listen to him rustle out of bed. He returns with a pink circular container of cream that smells delightfully like coconut and vanilla.

Upon returning, he sets the jar on the nightstand next to me before reaching over to lift my nightie and carefully pull down my panties. This is much more vulnerable than anything he has ever done to me. I shudder at the feeling.

He chuckles and gently touches my reddened skin, "There are some markings just like I thought. I'm not sure what your thoughts on bruises are, but this cream will help get rid of that."

I watch his muscular arms open up the lid delicately and take out some of the cream. It appears whipped and swirly. Hardly used.

"What do you mean you're unsure of my thoughts on bruising?" I wince when he spreads the cold cream on my chafed skin.

"I'm not a bruises kind of guy. Some doms love that. I like it when you need cream, it feels like an accomplishment. Like I did what was necessary. But, bruises are certainly not my end goal. And not necessarily a turn-on. But I like redness and your beautiful bottom gets red exceptionally fast. I learned that on our first night together. It's adorable."

"Now, let that soak in. I'll get ready for the day and by the time I come back, you should be able to pull these back up," he wiggles my underwear around my thighs.

"Yes, sir," I say sleepily as he exits the room. My eyes drop shut after he touched me so kindly, the pain subsiding from the new cream he put on.

I fall into a microsleep, bare bottom exposed. I awake to Cameron's strong hand once again. As soon I open my eyes again, I feel exposed and embarrassed again. He is laying his admiration on thick with his eyes cast downward on the work he has done on my behind. Bu urgently, I yank my panties back up before he can reach for them himself. 

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