Chapter 21 ~ Catching the Mouse

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❦ NSFW is ahead. ❦ 

Changing the schedule around as today is my last day of work before Winter Break! The next chapter will also be released on a different day since I am visiting my parents for Christmas hehe. What are everyone's holiday plans?! 

Zoe, Eloise, and I sit in a dark, loud cocktail bar near Cameron's flat. I regret my decision to act so purposefully bratty the moment I sit down and imagine how this may be the last night of sitting comfortably for the rest of the week. The soreness was nearly unbearable the last two times Cameron used his tools of the trade on me. 

I suck down the French 65 I ordered, hoping that each sip will calm my nerves. But I only end up becoming goofy. All the questions Zoe and Eloise are asking me about the possibility of my relationship being toxic and controlling are laughable. Not because they are not valid but because this drink is strong.  

"Stop it," Zoe swats my arm playfully but with some force. "Alexa, this is serious. We are worried about you."

"I'll stop ghosting you guys for days, okay? Will that make everyone feel better?"

"That's kind of the bare minimum," Eloise frowns. "You swore you would never become like this."

"Look, I'm in the honeymoon phase and he's-"

"We know, Lex," Zoe interjects. "We know he's old. He's traditional. He's this. He's that. But what about you? Goofy, bright, young, you. Aren't you taking this way too fast?"

I snort with laughter again, "It is a little fast, isn't it?"

Zoe cracks a smile and puts her arms around me, "Just find a balance. Please?" 

"You know, I love you guys so much," I grab both of their hands.

"Drink some water," Eloise hands me a glass. 

I gulp the whole glass down, "Okay, let me pee."

"Do you need help walking?" Eloise takes my hand and stands me up.

"I'll manage," I flash them a smile and float to the restroom. 

It's only then that the room stops spinning and reality hits me once again that I may be in the biggest trouble I've ever been with Cameron since the night we met. My punishment felt imminent and no matter what it could be, I remained nervous. Even more nervous when his name lights up on my phone screen.

I answer with utmost courage, "Hi, baby." 

"Alexa, where are you?" he sounds panicked. 

"Oh, you didn't get my note?"

"I found your note, but don't you think you should've called me?"

"Relax, I'll be home soon enough," I adjust my pink slip dress and jacket in the mirror, my tipsy state speaking for me. "I told them I had to be back by ten. Plus, I thought you were going to be out until 11:00. I figured I'd make it home before you did. See, Daddy? No big deal. "

"I wanted to come home to see you."

"Well, it's only 9:30. Why were you out for such a short period of time, sir?" I try to sound as sweet as possible. 

"We only met up for a beer and to watch the end of the game. I didn't need more than an hour with them."

"That's not what you told me," I giggle. 

"The difference here is, you didn't tell me anything at all and I know you're drunk."

"I'm not, I swear. And I'm sorry, Cameron but I didn't exactly picture spending my night alone and I need my friends just like you need yours. This is your fault."

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