"Wrong question! You should have asked how am I going on with life."

"I just meant to ask about your personal life"

"Life? I was better in hell had the devil not thrown me out from there"

"Why can't you answer straightly?"

"Because I am twisted"

"I know that but to be honest and clear, I am worried for you. I will not lie but I knows what's going on with that shekhawat prince , your parents and your brother as well."

"So, I just found one more stalker" I raised my eyebrows at him.

"No! Athulya , how much you show yourself strong but you are too young to handle all this and back in your mind you must be feeling shattered. Don't hold yourself in the outer strongness so tightly that the inner weakness gets strong enough to engulf you"

"I am strong enough to deal with the shit happening in my life. I am not that weak that I will keep crying over all this , I would better be making others cry. Don't take me to be a flower , I could be a rose but remember it has thorns." 

  Wow, it was good reply, I praised myself for it.

"Atleast don't lie to yourself. Your choice but you have got wrong defination of being strong, hopefully you will correct it in this life of yours." His tone was changing.

"Don't you care about my definations , they are different from that of others, because I am different."

"I just doesn't want that in your way to become different you does not become so different that you would not be able to understand your ownself. That day you will be finding someone who could understand you. Don't run on the wrong path , Athulya." 

"I never changes the path , and about understanding my ownself , I don't need anyone for that . I am better living alone. Take it as whatever way you want,  I might be hating people or not but  I just feel better when they are not around. Cause, people empty me, I have to get away to refill."

"It's just because of the people live around you but don't judge others on that basis. You never knew what fate is holding. But remember one day you will be the one wanting to have someone at your back . Remember your words at that time to be strong."     

 His words were more sharp than a knife . Fate, it always finds ways to mock me . Is this it's new way. 

He walked out silently , his coat in his left arm and using his phone from his right hand. He didn't even turned back to look at me once.  A sudden sense of guilt made it's place in my heart, my words hurted him. I really tends to lose my mind and the control over my tongue when I am sleepy and it is proved again. I fucked up again!

He must be so angry on me, he will not even pick my call now. I really needs to get a filter as soon as possible. But what now? I lost the only person I trusted . How could I do this?

I sat down at the main gate holding my head, hitting it. The roads were wrapped in the blanket of fog , but I was in the blanket of lies. Lies,  that I have said and will be saying  in future as well. Am I really lying from myself? Maybe. But when the lies are repeated again and again they sounds like truth and my lies are the only truth I have.

I didn't sat there for more than 20 minutes , not trusting my eyes anymore who were ready to fall down. I have to reach home before it happens, had I not offended him then he would have dropped me. I can't risk driving knowing very well that I am going to harm others along with myself. The visibility range is already poor and considering my eyes it is nearly zero.

"Taxi.." I took out my hand in the cold dawn , for taxi. Unsure about the fact that even my hand would be visible or not.

Getting out of breath , I was using my inhaler when I heard a horn .I am lucky to find a taxi at ths odd time, he agreed to drop me and was overwhelmed to know I am one of the Oberois. Feeling sad for him , poor man doesn't knows the life of so called elites.

Shades of Lies ✔ [Completed] #Book1Where stories live. Discover now