F O R T Y - T W O

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*Wynter's pov!*

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*Wynter's pov!*

Artemis's house was actually pretty nice. It wasn't big, but it had a nice feeling to it. It smelled like a Yankee candle right as you walked in. It gave me flashbacks to when I first came here. The thought made me sick to my stomach. I didn't feel as If I belonged here, and neither did his brother. "Look who it is, she came back for seconds." He laughed, I wanted to punch him. 

Artemis didn't laugh, he just stared back at his brother with an annoyed expression. "What?" Tate asked, clearly confused on how much of a jackass he is. "Don't talk about her like that." He said, taking my hand. "Oh I see what's going on here." He smiled, leaning against the wall. "You have him in your little trap." 

"No I don't" I protest, but Artemis squeezes my hand harder, Gesturing for me to let him handle this. "I'm not trapped, I want to date her and there is nothing wrong with that." Artemis said, clearly mad at Tate. But he didn't care, like usual. God he made me so mad, he had Jason's personality written all over him. 

"See this is what little girls do." He says, stepping closer. "They put you in a trance of fake love, and then bam!" I flinch as he yells, looking directly at me. "They leave you after they get what they want, so that's why I do the same." He smiles. Feeling proud of his actions. 

I let go of Artemis, stepping closer to Tate. "Listen you might have dealt with a girl or two like that. But not every single GIRL is like that, I care about him so you can fuck off for all I care. Just because someone did that to you, doesn't make it right to hurt other people for your own pleasure." 

He just stares down at me like prey, ready to pounce. I like the fact that I'm getting to him. 

"Also don't you dare call me a fucking little girl because last time I was here, you flirted with me. So not only would you be an asshole, but a creep added on top of it? Wow, how amazing you are. Maybe you should go look in the mirror some more and realize that not every girl is a terrible person that wants to hurt you. And instead try to fix yourself, and move on." 

Tate looks pissed but I don't care, because a little speck of that anger is guilt. And that is all that matters to me. And I could easily tell once we walked away and he said nothing that I wouldn't have to deal with him anymore. 


Once we were out of his sight I felt Artemis's eyes on me. I was about to apologize but his arms cut me off. I felt them wrap around me like a warm blanket. Consuming all my sudden words and putting me at ease. I hugged him back, closing my eyes once he hugged tighter. It was silent for a few seconds, but then he spoke up. "Thank you." 

I let go slightly, looking at his face. "I was just telling the truth, but I know I overstepped-" He cut me off with his laughter. "You didn't overstep, someone needed to say it and I was too scared." He kissed me lightly, staring right back into my eyes. "So thank you." I laughed at his actions, he was always so sweet to me. 

"So where is your room?" I asked, changing the subject as a smile quickly spread across his face. He took my hand, leading me in the direction. "I'll show you." He smiled, slowly opening the door. I stared at the room in awe. I looked up at the ceiling to see plastic stars and all kinds of lights. The room looked like the galaxy. I walked further in, seeing all kinds of books about space and multiverses. "No way." I said, beginning to laugh into my hand. 

"What?" He smiled, walking closer. "Your a nerd, like a full class one not even a slightly smart one." I said, holding in my laughter. "Just because I like space doesn't mean I'm a nerd."  

"What are you gonna do now? Go walk on Jupiter or something?" I say, challenging him. "You can't walk on Jupiter, it's not a solid surface at all and the whole planet is full of gas, also it's has seriously bad weather and lightning storms, why would you ever walk on that?" He says, as I stare back at him smugly. 

"Yep, your a nerd." I say, feeling a sense of victory. "Whatever." He smiles, walking up to me. "If anything, I'd want to walk on the moon." He adds, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear to mess with it. "You knows what the moon is made of?" He asks, as his hands meet my waist and pull me closer. My breath hitches once I feel them under my shirt and onto my back. I look back at him, my breathing heavy. 

"No I don't." I reply, as both of his hands leave my back. He cups my face, smiling. "It's made out of a lot of things, different metals and obviously minerals." His hands meet my back again, pulling me fully against him. "It's just like Earth, it's made up of rock. But Earth has less gas compared to the moon. Also we have actual weather, the moon doesn't. We have snow and rain, but the moon...nope he has none of that." He pauses, leaning down to kiss me.

I kiss back, feeling the warmth until he pulls away. "That's why I want to go on the moon, to experience what it's like to have a world with no significant atmosphere." He says, pulling me back into the kiss. My hands meet his face, deepening the kiss. 

I suddenly feel myself being pull back, and seconds later my body hits a door. I don't open my eyes, I just kiss him. But he then pulls away, his hands running up my back. "The moon is nothing like Earth, that's why I want to experience it. The Earth I'm used to, but the moon is different. Not even that, but to see space." He kisses my forehead. 

"Space itself is amazing, there is no sound in space. Just complete silence, not even the sound of air rushing because there isn't any." He smiles, kissing me again. "I wish I could take you there with me, just floating around with no one around." He says, smiling against my lips.

"I'd want that too." I say as he smiles. "So how smart am I?" He asks, making me laugh. "Very." I tell him, as he kisses me again. I begin to smile in the kiss, because this time I know he won't let go. He said everything he wanted to. I pull him even closer, feeling his entire body against mine. 

His hands grip my waist, as shivers run through me at the contact. He lips left, going to my neck. I felt his body push my further against the door as he kissed harder. My head wanting to fall back, but the door was stopping me. Artemis noticed and pulled me away from the door and into his arms as he kissed down my neck. I closed my eyes, as my breathing became heavy. 

I knew I would have a hickey after this but I honestly didn't give a shit. I have concealer anyways. I just pulled his closer, feeling the heat of his entire body around me. He starts to kiss me at random places, my shoulder, my collarbone, and then back up to my lips. "I might have caused a..." He paused, looking guilty. 

"Don't be upset, It's okay. I can always cover it up." He smiled beginning to kiss me again, but this time with more desperation. I could feel the moment building as he backed me back up against the door again.

 I wish I could say we stopped after a few minutes, but we didn't. We just kissed, forgetting about worries or if anyone was near. Because we were alone, we didn't have anything to worry about. I never imagined him, my entire life I couldn't imagine someone like him loving me. But now that's it's happening I couldn't be happier. 

THANKS FOR READING! I know I haven't posted in a while but that's because my account was being weird. But I'm back now! <3 

1448 words!!! <3 

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