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*Artemis's Pov!*

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*Artemis's Pov!*

As I swam away from her I noticed that she swam away too. I looked closely at her, she moved far. I stopped looking when I couldn't anymore. She had gone completely out of reach, that seemed to worry Ares but no one did anything. Not until she rose from the water again, the distance was too far for anyone to be going. I barely noticed her long brown hair. But I watched as her body panicked, she looked behind her, seeming to be focused on something. Something else around her. 

 "Guys, there is something wrong." Liv said as she walked further into the water. "What's going on?"  Elias asked as he jumped swam further into the water. Within seconds I soon followed, looking at her figure. She was scared, something was wrong, really wrong.  The others stayed back as we swam toward her. We finally got close enough, we noticed her legs. They were shaking beneath the water and Elias panicking. 

We rose above the water as he gasped for air. "Shit, shit, shit." He said as panic came over me, him beginning to swim again. I went beside him, we saw her rise to the surface and noticed that her body was being pushed back under. She screamed as Elias swam quickly toward her, I went faster as I got to her body. 

Wynter became limp as she fell further down. I raced for her and took her by the waist, bringing her back up to the surface. Elias helped me with her legs, her breathing unsteady. We paced through the water, getting to the shore. We saw the others panicking in the distance, but once she hit the sand. Her eyes opened, staring down at her legs in panic. 

They started to shake violently, as she gasped for air. The rest of her body began to shake as well. I brought her to her side, placing her head on my lap, her eyes rolling back. Liv dialed her parents, but neither one picked up as none of us knew what to do. 

We watched as her body contorted, Charlotte started to cry as Darren held her. It lasted for a minute more, even though it felt longer. But once it stopped, her eyes shut completely. Her body stopped moving, and so did everything else. We watched her unconscious figure for way longer than we should have. 

But soon I took the initiative to pick her up, and carry her somewhere else, to rest. I looked down at her, her hair dripping onto the hot sand. Her smile was gone at that moment, but I noticed how pretty she was. How naturally happy she looked, even without smiling. 

I placed her down on the counter, inside the ice cream shop. Everyone had already left, since Ares had closed it once the sun came down. After a few more minutes, the others followed me inside, looking scared. No one said anything for a while. Not until her eyes flashed open, sitting up quickly. She looked around, noticing everyone around her, including myself. 

She then touched her legs, feeling them again as she stood up. Walking toward me, she stared closely at me as everyone watched. "I'm sorry." She said, tears filling her eyes. I wanted to say something, but I was shocked. The first thing she wanted to do, was apologize to me. Not ask what happened, or say anything to anyone else. 

But no, she just wanted to apologize. But after being silent for way too long, Liv came up to her. Hugging her from behind, as she stared daggers at me. "He forgives you." She said as I nodded In response to that. "Can we talk?" I asked her as she nodded and went outside the ice cream shop with me. 

Before we left, Liv said. "So were just going to ignore the fact that she just passed out and had one of....you know what." Wynter sighed as we went behind the shop. It was silent for a few seconds before she spoke. "So, what happened?" She seemed ashamed, but I answered her honestly. "Well, you had....a seizure." I said as she seemed kind of surprised. "I haven't had one...since well..Theo." She said, as I felt confused. "Who is Theo?" 

She was about to cry once I said that, i was about to stop her from saying it, but she didn't let me. "He was my brother, he died a few years back." Tears streamed down her face as the words came out. "I still see him sometimes, like today. In the ocean, he is everywhere." She began to choke on her sobs as she spoke. "It feels so real when he shows up, but I know he isn't. I hate that he's gone." She cries as I find myself pulling her into my arms. 

"I'm sorry." She just held onto me tighter. "He talks to me, saying things that don't sound like him. He blames me for him dying, for him getting sick." She said, letting go of me. But I take her face in my hands, bringing it closer to me. I scan her eyes, wiping her tears. "That isn't your fault Wynter, you couldn't have controlled that. I know it hurts, It will for a while. But if you ever need someone to talk to about it. Call me. Please, I want to listen, I promise." 

I said pulling her back into my arms. "I know we have had our issues at first, but..were good now right?" She smiled at my question. "Yes." She laughed. I smiled as she pulled herself further into my grasp. "Thank you Artemis." I thought I couldn't smile wider, but I did. She then let go, walking towards the door. The light from the shop reflects onto her eyes. 

Those eyes stayed on mine, my eyes liked her eyes. But she looked away, turning toward the door. The light now reflected onto her hair, shining down through the strands. "You coming?" She asked. It took me a while to register the question. "Uh, yeah." I then followed her inside with the others. No one dared to ask her about what happened, none of us really wanted to. We all just sat and talked until everyone started to get texts to come home. 

It was a fun, and scary night. I don't understand Wynter, but I want to. 

I hope she does too. 


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