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*Wynter's Pov!*

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*Wynter's Pov!*

Today they left, and I shouldn't have been happy. But I was, I was ecstatic. You want to know the first thing I did? I rushed up the stairs and slipped on my bathing suit. I grabbed my favorite purple towel and skipped down my wooden staircase. I then opened the front door and ran towards the ocean as the night sky begged for a show. So I gave it one, I swam for hours. I did all sorts of tricks and flips. I laughed loudly as I swam the night away. I floated in silence until my skin pruned up. I felt the wind against my skin and fell deep in the moment. 

"You're a free personality aren't you?" I flinched as I looked over to see a guy I didn't recognize. Half of his body was under the water as he slowly got closer. Once his body was fully submerged he looked at me. His eyes stayed on mine as If I was an endangered species. I slowly moved away but the waves pushed me back. He was close to me, closer than I wanted to be so I pushed myself away. "Who are you?" I asked as he swam further into the water. "Artemis, you?" He asked as I floated above the water. 

"Wynter." I said, he looked back at me. He suddenly smiled as he pushed his feet up and splashed me. "Hey!" I yelled, but he just swam away. I went after him as water fought past us. He kicked his feet again. I ended up quickly catching up to him and once I was about to touch him, my hand resisted. He turned around and looked at me closely, moving towards me. But I moved away and swam to the shore. He went after me but I just walked further onto the sand. I grabbed my towel. "Did I do something?" Artemis asked but I continued walking. 

He grabbed my hand and pushed me back, I turned around to see him towering over me. "Please answer my question." He said but I scoffed. "I don't even know you, I don't need to say anything to you." I said but he continued to hold onto me. My heart raced but I ignored it and kept my eyes on the sand. It was silent for a long time and the air became tense. I looked out onto the ocean, and saw the waves pushing back and forth. Begging me to come back and join them, but he was stopping that. 

"You're right." He said suddenly as I looked up at him. "You don't, I'm sorry." He then let go of me and walked away. I stared back at him as his shadow was slowly disappearing and guilt came over me. I didn't mean to hurt him, but it seemed like I did. I had no idea who he was, and how I would find him again. But I wanted to, I wanted to answer his question. To tell him the truth, he didn't do anything. I was just scared, because this never happens. I've swam here my entire life and every night it's always empty. I never have company, and today I did. So I guess I didn't know how to react to it. 

But I didn't want to think about it anymore, so I forced myself not to. I looked at my watch and it was almost midnight. So I got the last of my things and headed back inside, towards the kitchen. I took a couple of snacks from the cupboard and a drink from the fridge. I was going to watch something but decided not to and headed up to my bedroom. I just wanted to sleep and forget about the night, so I laid silently in my bed until the light around me disappeared. 

Until the memories of him disappeared. 


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