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*Wynter's Pov!*

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*Wynter's Pov!*

I laughed at Artemis as he splashed through the water. He's in love with the ocean, and so am I. That's one thing I'm glad I get to enjoy, with him. I watched as he swam away and toward the miles of water beneath us. I was smiling so big, I couldn't help it. This moment felt perfect. 

Too perfect. 

"Look who is having fun?" I flinched, not even looking. I knew who this was, and I hated how now I couldn't even bear to look at him. He was my brother, but now. I'm terrified of him. My skin ran through with goosebumps as I felt his hands grazing my shoulder. "You seem happy, are you enjoying your life Wynter?" He said manically. This isn't Theo, Theo loves me and wouldn't want to hurt me. "You're not real." I said finally, making him laugh. 

"I guess that is what anger does to you Wyn, it changes you." And with that he pushed me under the water. It wasn't real, it wasn't real, it wasn't real. I kept repeating that to myself as my air supply ran out. I'm drowning, this is real. I can't get out, I won't. I'm going to die here, I'm going to die. I can't breathe, I can't. I moved my arms violently, trying to get out of his grasp. But I didn't see him anymore, he was gone. 

But I was stuck, I couldn't get out. He was there, he was going to kill me. Theo, I'm sorry. Please let me go, I'm sorry. I can't change this, I'm not going to survive this. I'll be gone soon, just like him. I screamed under the water as sadness filled my lenses. Making me realize that This was all my fault and I couldn't fake the feeling anymore. I caused this, I'm the reason he is dead. He should be alive, not me. 

Suddenly, I felt arms strongly wrap around my waist and quickly pulled me up. Theo? Is that you? But it wasn't. I felt air on my skin as I quickly inhaled it. I tried to slap Artemis's arms away but he wouldn't let go. He refused to. Something was wrong with me, I'm going insane. My body hit the sand as I coughed heavily from the lack of air I was getting. I was terrified, scared, I didn't want Theo to be there when I opened my eyes. I just didn't.

I felt a hand touch me as I flinched it away. "Theo...don't...please stop." I then fell to my side, bringing my knees to me as I cried. I couldn't deal with him and this anymore, just kill me already. It's what I deserve anyways. But he tried again, but this time with his words. "Wynter, it's Artemis okay. Please listen to me, listen to my voice." He said. He was panicking, but he didn't want me to know that as he tried to cover it up.

"Wynter, it's okay. Please." He begged, grabbing my hand. I flinched at first, but once I felt his skin. I knew it was him. My eyes slowly opened to meet his. A worried smile wiped across his face as he held my hand tighter. He looked like he wanted to ask me something, but instead he picked me slowly and brought me inside. I watched his eyes as he walked up the stairs. I almost fell asleep in his arms but he then sat me onto the side of the bathtub. I sighed as I watched his eyes scan mine. 

He was worried, and I hated it. He shouldn't be brought into this and my problems. He then turned around, opening a cabinet to get out the first-aid kit. I looked down to see a cut on my leg, which he began to clean and wrap up. I watched him the entire time as his hands moved across my leg. I always liked how his skin felt against me. 

But after seeing the look in his eyes, I just wanted him to go away. I just cried, not even trying to hide it. I couldn't bear this feeling anymore. Theo what did you do to me. "Artemis, I can't do this anymore." I sobbed, my hands covering my face to try and stop the tears. But they just kept pouring as Artemis tried to comfort me. Once my leg was done I felt him put his arms around me, bringing me to him slowly. I stayed in his arms for a long time as the silence grew and the thoughts sunk in. 

Artemis didn't deserve this and I wasn't going to bring him into it. "Leave" I said angrily to which Artemis's eyes widened. "Wyn-" He tried to say but I interrupted him. "Don't. Just go, now." I demanded. His eyes looked down, but slowly back up at me. "Please just-"

"Artemis, just get out!" I yelled, standing up. "Wynter I'm just trying to help-" 

"But you're not! Just please leave!" I said as he stood up too, looking down at the ground. I know he wanted to help, but in the end nothing he could say would make me let him stay. He needed to leave, he shouldn't have to worry about my issues. "I just-" He tried to say, but I couldn't hear his words. 

The ones that would change my mind. 

The words that would make me jump in his arms.

And cry. 

"Artemis, go." I said coldly as tears poured from my eyes and down my face.  I quickly wiped my tears as he walked out the door. I wanted to apologize for yelling at him, he didn't deserve that. But I knew he wouldn't leave unless I made him. I know he wanted to help, but I couldn't forgive myself If I brought him into this situation. So I pushed it down, far enough down that It won't come back up for a while.

Until then,

all I was

were my tears.

I walked into my bedroom, flopping down onto my bed as i wiped the evidence of my sadness with my jacket. I just sat there, staring at the ceiling wondering what the hell was wrong with me. Theo wasn't there, he couldn't be. But why did it feel so real, how could it not be real If I felt his hand grabbing me and pulling me under. It was all just so confusing. He wasn't comforting anymore, it was all just so terrifying.

Was the reason he kept showing up..

because of me?

Because of me blaming myself?

I didn't understand. 

I didn't want to.

I just closed my eyes, shut the curtains, and turned off my mind. I'm not dealing with this right now, not for a while. I just wanted to sleep, and forget about everything. So that's what I did as the lights around me turned dark. 


Why are you doing this to me.


I'm sorry.

THANKS FOR READING!!!!! The next chapter will be Winter's Pov! And then Liv! I hope you like this so far! If you enjoy these I have a couple other book you can check out! Thanks!

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