T W E N T Y - N I N E

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*Wynter's Pov!*

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*Wynter's Pov!*

I woke up to my phone buzzing repeatedly. I sat up, quickly scrambling to answer it. Once it met my ear, a shriek erupted inside my head. "Marley what!" I screamed back. "The fair opened!! We're all going so get up! I'm coming over so be ready with the snacks!" She said back excitedly. I just sighed, it was too early for this. "Fine." I said, hanging up. 

I slowly stepped out of my bed, feeling the sun as I slipped on some clothes. I didn't get much sleep last night, I wanted to but my eyes didn't allow it. So I found a random outfit to wear. It wasn't the best, but it was something.  Marley barged in ten minutes later. I looked behind her, Jason. Of course, just of course. I stared back as a smile spread across his face. "Oh hell no, you're not wearing that." Marley said as she rummaged through my closet. 

I sighed, falling back on my bed as Jason sat beside me. "Tired?" He asked as I slowly shook my head, closing my eyes. Suddenly, his hand touched my hair, pushing it back and smoothing it out. My eyes opened as his were already there, staring back. I smiled, shutting my eyes again. "Your closet is amazing!" Marley exclaimed. I just laughed, slowly sitting up and laying against Jason. 

His arm went around mine, holding on tight. I wanted nothing more than to fall asleep, but after Marley threw a dress at me, I sighed in defeat. I slowly sat up, struggling to stay awake as I headed to the bathroom. I shut the door, slipping it onto my body, staring at the reflection I held. I smiled at it, trying to look happy. But it wasn't worth the try. I opened the door, leaning against the frame, Marley shrieked again. 

"You LOOK Amazing WYN!" She said happily, dragging me towards Jason. "How does she look!" She asked him, doing stupid jazz-hands. "Beautiful." I finally opened my eyes, looking at him. But his eyes weren't on mine, but on the dress. I just laughed, grabbing some shoes and heading down the stairs. They soon followed me into the kitchen as I grabbed snacks. "Hey I'm gonna go get the car started, see you guys in there!" She said, winking at me. 

And now we are alone.

I just keep my head down, putting chips into a Walmart bag. "I'm gonna need to go shopping again." I laughed as he walked closer. "I can go with you today after the fair." He suggests. "Sure." I open the fridge for some drinks. I take a couple, placing them inside the bag and closing it. "Okay, I think we're all set." I look over Jason, his eyes are already planted on my own set of eyes. His head leans against the cabinets, staring further. 

I shut everything, keeping my eyes glued to his. Two can play at that game Jason. He smiled, smitten by my reaction. I watch as he steps closer, closing the distance between us. His breath sends shivers down my spine, I want to look away from embarrassment, but I don't. I just keep my eyes on his. His head leans down, meeting my eyes before they close. 

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