T H I R T Y - T H R E E

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*Wynter's Pov!*

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*Wynter's Pov!*

I walked out of the tent, immediately being pulled back in harshly. Hands grabbed my shoulders, forcing me in place inside the tent. I looked up at Jason, quickly looking away again. "What the fuck are you doing!?" He yelled. "Why are you going after him?! He isn't yours!" He spits out and suddenly pushes me away. 

I stumble back, falling against the table. I don't even have time to process it, my mind turns quiet. My expression angers him, I can't believe he just did that. "Why the hell are you the one upset? You just ran after him and expected me to be all chill about it!" I slowly stood up, wanting to get away from him. But he stops me, holding down my wrists. 

I wince, trying to get him to let go. But he doesn't, and grips harder. "I didn't do anything!" He protests and quickly cups my face. "Tell me I'm the one you want." He demands, making me look away. He then shakes my head violently. "That's not an answer, tell me i'm the only one!" He repeats, I shake my head. "Fucking say it." 

"You're the one I want." I quickly say, and immediately his expression softens. Pulling me into his arms calmly. "Good, I was just scared. I really care about you Wynter." He said gripping my waist. I feel regret, and pain all in this moment. I've barely known Jason and here I was kissing him to try and forget Artemis.

This isn't right and I shouldn't be doing this to him. "Jason. I'm...I'm not ready for this, It Isn't right and I don't want to use you." He quickly lets go, eyeing me angrily. "What are you saying Wyn, are you saying your just like that slut Liv?" He screams. I back up slowly, what the fuck is going on right now? "Don't call her that." I demand but he just laughs. "I don't have to listen to whores like you, If I want to fuck you, I will. If I want to mess around, I fucking can. You're the one using guys when they only want to love you!"

I want to laugh my ass off right now, but after the way he pushed me earlier. I don't want to piss him off more. "Listen, I don't want to be around you if you're going to act like this." I tell him, walking away. But once I hear his stomping towards me, I start to run out. What the hell-

I fly out of the tent, hitting Kenna. "Wynter, hey!" She smiles. I try to fake a smile to cover up my panicked look. But she notices, like she always does. "What's wrong?" She asks as Jason appears behind me. "Nothing, she just doesn't feel well." He speaks for me which makes Kenna suspicious. 

She immediately takes my hand, dragging me toward the bathrooms. Her hand pushes it open, pulling me in. "Okay Wyn, what the hell was that?" She asks. "Nothing, we just had an argument." I didn't want to fully lie to her so I told her something to make it genuine. "About what?" I look down, fidgeting with my dress. "I don't want to talk about it." She sighs from my response, dropping the matter. 

"Well if you need someone to talk to, I'm here. Everyone is, Liv, Alice, Marley, even Arte-" She stops talking, regretting her words as much as I regret hearing them. "I'm sorry." Kenna says but I quickly stop her. "It's fine." It's silent for a while, just awkward looks and distant glances. But Kenna is Kenna, she never keeps it quiet for too long.

"Do you still love him?" I look up. "I never said I did." I protest but she just smiles. "It didn't need to be said Wyn, that's why I'm so confused about you and Jason." I sighed at her response, as she continued. "I mean, you were always so happy with him..what changed?" I wanted to cry, to tell her every painful detail. But I couldn't bring myself to do it 

"Nothing, we are over and It's final. Nothing I can do, anyways Jason is out there so I should get going." I say, not even letting her finish before I leave the bathroom. I can't bear to deal with it, I just can't. I need to leave Jason, I have to. I then bump into someone, quickly looking up. "Hey is Kenna in there?" Leo asked. 

I sighed, happy that it wasn't someone else. "Yes she is, she will be out soon." I say, walking away and back to the group. Once I'm over there I notice three people missing. Artemis, Liv, and Alice. And as the night slowly rolls in, I start to feel tired of waiting for things to even out and for this feeling to go away. Because it never does. 

I sit down on a bench, watching people run around for hours, thinking, waiting for this terrible feeling to vanish. But as Jason walks back up to me, I know that It won't. When he is the one that caused it. He sits down beside me, slinging an arm around me. "Look I'm sorry for earlier, I'm just...let's restart okay?" He says gripping onto my shoulders. 

I nod slightly, making him lean back. I hate him for what he did, but I can't bring myself to do anything. Theo always said to give people chances, maybe he was just angry. It might not happen again, I just don't want to be so fast about this. I don't want to do what we just did, It wasn't right. 

But I can't bring myself to talk to him about anything. To tell him how I feel, to open up. I can't talk to him regularly after something like that. What If i piss him off again? It's like just from one bad encounter, he has instilled fear inside of me. 

And I can't escape from it either

I don't know what is going on with my life anymore. 


1045 words!!! 

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