T H I R T Y - T W O

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*Liv's Pov!*

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*Liv's Pov!*

The shelter was amazing, It felt so alive and I just walked into it. I watched as people played with dogs and were laughing. This place was so fun, and I loved being here. I then followed Alice towards a clipboard. She handed it to me, as well as a pen. "Sign in, and then you can roam around with me." She smirked as I quickly wrote my name down. 

Alice took my hand, showing me around the building. This shelter held everything. Snakes, cats, bunnies, all of it was so sweet. But one thing I loved most were the dogs. I walked into an outside area, where they immediately surrounded me. But one dog took favor of me, her name was Synthia. She was a golden retriever and I was in heaven when she began to run in circles around me.

Alice then handed me a pack of treats. "She will do almost anything, give her one and try it out." She said as I quickly fished one out of the bag. I held it up to her, making Snythia pant heavily. I laughed, kneeling down to her. "Sit." I instructed as she quickly did so. I handed her a treat, her beginning to run around me again. I laughed, petting her gently. 

"You know these are all adoptable dogs. If you want to get one, you can." Alice said as I started giggling like an idiot. "Are you serious!?" She nodded in response. I then looked over to her happy, and adorable face. How could I say no to taking such a cute dog? Synthia wiggled, licking my hand. 

"She really likes you." Alice smiled as a woman walked up to me. "Usually Snythia hates being around newcomers, but she seems to like you. Alice is right, you should adopt her." The lady says, beaming. I had to do it, so I quickly called my mom. "Honey are you sure? It is a big responsibility." I sighed. "Yes mom, I am sure. She is trained and super cute." 

It was silent against the phone for a few seconds, but finally she said. "Okay fine, but if you don't take care of her..were taking her back." She said as I laughed happily. "Thank you!!!" I exclaimed, making her laugh as well. "See you later hon." She said smugly. "Bye!" I yelled, hanging up quickly and running back into the room.

Alice didn't need to ask me anything, she knew the answer by my face. I immediately ran to her, falling in her arms. "I get to have her." I whisper-shouted. She then let go slowly, kissing me. "That's amazing." She smiles. I can't believe this, I'm getting a dog. 

Holy shit

I'm getting a dog, this is gonna be a lot of work. 



495 words!!!

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