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*Liv's Pov!*

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*Liv's Pov!*

I watched as Jason silently drove me to his house. The car was warm, but my body began to shake when thinking about what i had to tell him. He took my hand, bringing it to him, and smiling as he rubbed his thumb against mine. He loved me so much, and here I was...about to break his heart. He doesn't deserve this, and I hate what I'm about to do. The car stopped, showing his house in front of me. He quickly got out of the car, rushing to my side, and opening it for me as I slowly stepped out.

I wish time would stop, I wish I could go back and never have done something so cruel to him. Jason, I'm so sorry. He takes my hand, bringing me to his front door. "No one is home, my mom will be here in a few hours." He says as he unlocks it, taking me inside with him. I feel tears welling my eyes once the door shut, I want to fucking drown right now. I'm not suicidal, but after what I just did I'm not so sure anymore. 

He then goes to kiss me, but I stop him. He looks confused, but I can't do it, not after doing what I did with Alice. "Liv? What's wrong?" He questions as tears stream from my eyes. He then pulls me into his arms, but right when I feel him pulling me even tighter, I push him away. "Jason stop!"  He backs away, as I quickly wipe my tears. "Jason, I.." He stepped closer, slowly bringing my face in his hands. "You can tell me, whatever it is, we will be fine." Tears continue to stream down as he wipes them. I then look up to meet his eyes, the ones I'm about to break. He smiles, waiting for an answer. "Jason, I kissed someone else." 

His smile drops, as he laughs. "Yeah right." I then back up, staring at the floor. The silence surrounding us was too long, but long enough for him to understand. "Wait, are you actually serious right now?" I couldn't speak, I didn't know how to. "Liv, answer me are you actually saying you cheated on me?" I just shook my head, trying my best to cover up my tears. "Liv why? What the actual fuck, with who?!" He yelled as I backed away from him. 

There was nothing I could say to fix this. "Liv, tell me who it was!" He demanded as I met his angry eyes. "Alice..." I whispered as he slammed his fist against the wall. 

"The girl from the beach!? When!'" He said as he got closer to me. I wanted to get away but I knew I couldn't. He was mad, and I caused it. "In the bathroom." I said as my hands started to shake. He then grabbed my face harshly, bringing it to him to meet my eyes. "You were gone for that long, doesn't seem like you guys were just kissing Liv!" He screamed as I shut my eyes. 

He then let go of me, and stormed to the front door. "Get out!" He screamed as I quietly picked up my bag and walked out. "I'm sor-" He didn't let me finish as he slammed the door behind me. 

I ruined everything between us, and there no going back from that. 

I fucked up. 


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