24 | Guardians

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Stiles smacks Derek over and over but before going punch him, he wakes up so Stiles tells him everything that has happened. Derek leaves to go get his sister while Stiles and Julia stay back to hold off the cops.

"You should have gone with Derek." Stiles says as the two of them sit alone in the front lobby.

"And leave you? No, thank you."

"Why stay with me?" He looks at her playing with a strand of her hair so she stops to look at him.

"Because I want to be with you and you need someone by your side. Your dad was taken and your best friend left... but I'm still here for you." She tears up a bit, "Stiles, you're the first person in my life, besides from Lydia, I really care about."

"Julia," Stiles moves closer to her but stop as they both look at the door to see the FBI. "Oh, just perfect." Stiles sighs.

"Who's that?" Julia asks as the man walks over to them since it was clear Stiles didn't like him.

"A Stilinski at the center of this whole mess. What a shocker. Think you can answer some questions without the usual level of sarcasm?"

"Stiles without sarcasm isn't a thing." Julia looks up at the man to read his badge, "McCall..."

"And you are?" He asks her.

"Julia Martin." She answers him.

"Where's your dad, and why's no one been able to contact him?" He ignores Julia to ask Stiles.

"I don't know. I haven't seen him in hours." Stiles tells him.

"Is he drinking again?"

"What do you mean, again? He never had to stop." Stiles tells him and Julia was getting pissed with Scott's dad.

"But he did have to slow down. Is he drinking like he used to?"

"All right, how about this? Next time I see him. I'll give him a field sobriety test, okay? We'll do the alphabet start with F end with U." Stiles says causing him to smile.

"How about you just tell me what the hell happened here?"

"We do you know what happened here because we were stuck in the elevators the whole time." Julia speaks up.

"Y'all aren't the ones who put the name on the doors?"

"What name?" They ask at the same time confused so he tells the Argent was written on the door.

Once they were good to go, Stiles and Julia go to the Argent's to tell them that their name was written on the door. Allison says it's no coincidence that Blake took Scott's mother and Stiles' father. Allison suspects that Ms. Morrell is behind the warning saying the guidance counselor knows a lot more about what's happening and might be trying to help. Stiles says they need to hurry since the lunar eclipse is two freaking nights away and that his father could already be dead. Chris disagrees. He says it seems Jennifer is moving pieces into place. Allison points out that Chris is one of those pieces. He says they won't wait around to see her next move. He takes out the map of the telluric currents.

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