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"Get everything done last night?" Stiles takes his seat behind Julia in class.

"Yeah, I did. Then I went to bed." She lies to him.

"So your night went better than mine. My friend disappeared on me last night during her birthday party." He tells her.

"Have you heard from her yet?" She asks so he shakes his head no as coach starts class.

"The stock market is based on two principles. What are they?" Scott raises his had no coach says he can go to the bathroom.

"Uh, no. Coach, I know the answer." Scott makes him laugh.

"Oh, you're serious?"

"Yeah, it's risk and reward." Scott answers him.

"Wow, who are you and what have you done to McCall? Don't answer that. I like you better. I like you better. Does anybody have a quarter? A quarter?" Coach asks so Stiles pulls out one but the condom he took last night falls out.

Julia looks down at the floor shocked but tries to hold her laughter as coach congratulates him. Julia looks back at him, "Was that part of your bad night or?" She eyes him before turning back around spacing out drawing in her book.

"Martin, Risk or Reward? Or don't play?" Coach brings her back.

"Why not." She gets up taking the quarter and makes it making him applaud her as she goes back to drawing.

After school Scott, Stiles, Julia, Derek, and Isaac go to Deaton in hope he can help Isaac remember things.

"Why aren't you helping pour the ice?" Stiles asks Julia as she stood to the side with her arms crossed watching him, Scott, and Derek.

"The bags are cold and I don't want to touch them."

"Isaac is literally getting in the ice bath and you don't want to touch a bag because it's cold?" Stiles crosses his arms.

"Yeah. That's Isaac not me." She smiles as he grabs another ice bag. "How slow does his heart rate have to be?" She asks Deaton.

"Very slow."

"Yeah, well, how slow is very slow?" Derek asks him.

"Nearly dead."

"It's safe though?" Isaac touches the ice cold water.

"Do you want me to answer honestly?"

"No. No, not really." Isaac whispers but Stiles playing with rubber gloves makes everyone look at him.

"What?" He looks at them confused.

"Take that off." Julia walks over taking it off him.

"Julia," Isaac takes his shirt off tossing it to her to hold so she catches it.

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