THREE: Infiltration

Start from the beginning

You nodded, steeling your nerves as you prepared to enter the lion's den. "Alright, I'll do my best," you said, your voice laced with a newfound determination.

Kaide offered you a rare, almost genuine smile. "Good luck, (Y/N)," he said, before turning and disappearing into the shadows, leaving you to face your daunting task.

Taking a deep breath, you adjusted your mask and stepped out into the opulent ballroom, your eyes scanning the crowd for your first target - William Quartz. The fate of your mission, and perhaps your very survival, now rested on your ability to navigate this perilous social landscape and emerge victorious.

Hesitantly, you made your way inside the bustling ballroom, the clattering of chatter and the glittering of opulent attire creating an overwhelming atmosphere. Feeling a chill run down your spine, you tried your best to blend in with the crowd, your eyes darting around in search of your first target, William Quartz.

Suddenly, as you were walking backwards, trying to avoid the stuffy surroundings, you found yourself colliding with a solid chest. Turning around, you were met with the piercing gaze of a tall, chestnut-haired male, his deep blue eyes locked onto your (e/c) orbs.

A sly smirk spread across his pale features as he tilted his head in a cocky manner.


A character has appeared!

William Quartz

Status: ---
Attraction scale: 35%


"Watch where you're going there, sweetheart," he teased, reaching out to help straighten your posture. "My name's William Quartz. What's yours, love?"

You cringed slightly at the pet names, but quickly remembered Kaide's advice to lie about your identity. "Y/- Lilyth, Lilyth Ivy," you responded, the fabricated name rolling off your tongue with practiced ease.

William's smirk widened as he took your hand, bringing it to his lips and placing a gentle kiss, his blue eyes never leaving yours. "Pleasure to meet you, Lilyth," he purred.

The two of you fell into easy conversation, with William asking you a barrage of questions, which you answered to the best of your ability, all the while keeping Kaide's instructions in mind.

"Say, why don't you join me and my mates at our table?" William suggested, gesturing towards a round table where two other males were seated. This could be the perfect opportunity for you to get closer to the royal assassins and carry out your mission.

Mustering your most charming smile, you nodded in agreement. "I'd be delighted," you replied, allowing William to guide you towards the table, your heart pounding with a mixture of anticipation and trepidation.

As you approached the table, you took a moment to study the two other men. One had a rugged, intimidating appearance, while the other seemed more refined and composed. These must be Eret Vangiance and Lorenzo Hellbringer, the remaining two targets you needed to distract.

Steeling your nerves, you prepared to put your acting skills to the test, determined to carry out your role flawlessly and secure your and Kaide's plan.

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