LXII. "Detective Files" Is A Masterpiece (OPINION)

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Alongside my top love for AkoSiIbarra's "Project Loki" series, I also can't get enough of "Detective Files" by Shinichilaaaabs.
I am already reading on the author's collab novel called "Who's Deduction Show?" but that's not what this chapter is about. I wanna share my thoughts on what makes the DF Trilogy a masterpiece!

NOTE: This is just my personal take so take everything I say with a grain of salt. Also, huge spoilers ahead!


"Detective Files" is kind of like one of those stories where they'd bring up an important character or scene until you realize just how important they are gonna be later on.
For starters, the school bully named Lowie Mendino, who was introduced at the very beginning of Book 1, turns out to be working for this shadowy organization called Genesis.
Another instance is how the main character, Amber Sison, and her friend Gray Silvan both found out about their family ties to The Mafia. Their annoying friend Jeremy also plays an important role to the overall story due to his past. However, he remains the least favorite character to me considering how I had to skip parts of him throwing stupid jokes (which sometimes ruin the serious moments in the story).
From what I can recall, the story kind of takes an unexpected turn where you have to take two in order to comprehend everything especially during the reveal of Amber's family history. It's got stakes, engaging mysteries and puzzles which later inspired Season 3 of my graphic novel "SYNTHETIC BLUE."
It felt like I'm seeing an awesome Netflix drama but as a book. It's a good thing that I stuck around to see where the story goes and oh boy! I was not ready for "Detective Files No.3" as Amber has grown into this cold and vengeful character after Genesis had killed her father.
You think her dad is the mastermind behind the organization? Think again! It's none other than one of their allies, Detective Tross (le gasp!). Now, I'm left wondering who to trust anymore. Anyone you know could be an enemy.
As much as I wanna share my love for DF with everyone, I kind of wish they'd have official translations of the trilogy as well so my international readers can appreciate them as well. It's worth a read so if you know Filipino and love watching CSI, this might just be your cupper!

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