XXXVIII. Another AQWO Series?!

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This has been bothering me for a little while now. I have always thought that the second book of "A Quirky Writer's Odyssey" was gonna be the end after returning to the Philippines.
    It's been several months now and I realized what a stupid decision it was to go back to the Philippines. Aside from the ongoing war in Ukraine earlier this year, it was also because of a promising job that later didn't turn out that great. Our new president has also promised to fix everything right after the elections.

Buuuut ...

Our country is still the same ol' poor land with slow and inadequate services.
Seriously, it's gonna take you a whole year before you could get your national ID (which doesn't cover all services) and business permits. There are still bad traffic jams and unemployment rates continue to skyrocket. I am now struggling to keep our business afloat, balancing my writing career and other responsibilities at the same time.
I remember someone remarking that I could have stayed as I already got health insurance that covers everything in the U.A.E.
If I continued to stay in that country, at least I still have Netflix, get to bike around the neighborhood safely and find affordable electronics like computers for my own business (as it's very less expensive due to zero taxes in the Middle East). Maybe I'd be able to find more inspirations so I can tell many unique stories.
At the same time, I wouldn't be able to make calls on Messenger with the nicest folks here since those are blocked in the U.A.E. There will always be neighbors who could make me feel less welcome. I will miss the tropical rainy seasons and warm feeling of Christmas here.
    I agree that starting a business in your own country is a lot convenient as laws in other places can be quite tricky. I don't wanna go to jail for unknowingly doing something illegal elsewhere 😉.
Most importantly, I worry that my readers who've read them may think I'm over sharing (even though I don't see it that way) and prefer that I stick to publishing fiction instead.
So, those are my overall thoughts and hope you guys take care!

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