LIX. World Building 101

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It is one of the most critical parts of a story. The reader is pulled into an amazing world where flying cars, buildings wrapped by huge vines and fire-breathing dragons could exist.
You learn about its inhabitants, how their society and culture works. The author sets the overall mood of the story.
One example is my latest novel "AMANDI." The story is already established to be futuristic. Every infrastructure has those automatic doors, flying vehicles and everything - from books to paintings - is made digital now.
Now, what if suddenly I mentioned VHS tapes, sticky notes and dusty paperback books exist? It already takes you out of the story.
Another example is "Harry Potter," a story set in the wizarding world of Hogwarts. It is said the school is bound in traditions but - hol' up! Is that a Macbook? How on earth was Harry able to pilot a giant robot?
I am not sure if this is supposed to be a steampunk novel or fantasy. Maybe both, I dunno.
While I get it's fiction, the story still need to make sense. Always remember what you've previously established instead of "Oh! I saw this from my favorite movie or show and wanna include that in my writing because it's cool." It's no longer original in my eyes, but feels like a OC fanfic crossover.
Now with that out of the way, here are some tips to creating better world building:

1) What is the setting (time period or place)?

2) What kind of inhabitants, culture, language or government do they have?

3) Does it take place in a colorful utopia similar to Sesame Street or a ruthless world similar to Primal?

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