XXVI. Critique My Own Works

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Let me share with you my unique way of explaining what I think makes a really good book. Of course, it's to show everyone how much I've learned along the way.

BIOMETRICS (Original Graphic Novel)

Cover: It's supposed to be symbolic and immediately tell us this is "BIOMETRICS."

Plot: It's got an interesting premise. I like how there are chapters dedicated to exposition, action, character development, slow moments and drama. The tech in the story are very creative which makes us wish we'd have some of them in the future.
I just hope to cover the unanswered concepts in the upcoming sequel (such as the real fate of UNIT 45, Janus' biological parents, Mina and the twins' past). Towards the end, it feels rushed and the pacing might be awkward to some.

Visuals: The flat-art style makes it stand out. The lighting and anatomy did improve though after Chapter 3. Each character has their own unique designs and personalities which help the readers remember them better. The colorful landscapes are just amazing and look perfect as a desktop wallpaper!
The other parts of the book — About the Author, Author's Words, Synopsis, Dream Cast — somehow look professional and give the readers that sort of spy vibes. The panels and overall layout are great!
Just a tiny nitpick, try practicing how to draw the characters in side view and their hands. Janus looks like a standard anime protagonist while Mina (my personal fave) has this quirky look.

Characters/Setting: The futuristic world is very much captured through the vibrant environment and daily items. This is the 2030's, after allz
I felt that Mr. Lee needs a bit more focus and character development. Nobody would remember him if he wasn't made to be this retired spy agent and currently works as a writer. Also, Enzo caught many by surprise as he started out as Janus' chill friend to a supervillain. The SECRYPHITES look menacing and it's great, too!

Overall: It's a 97.5/100 for me. I was able to show my raw progress from the beginning until everything that needed fixing is improved.
It's creative, professional and worth its own show/film. The original version is better as I can see how poorly translated the Filipino version is.
I would highly recommend it to anyone who likes spy stuff and aliens.

The Case of The Samurai

Cover: The red streak revealing The Samurai's face is great, but the title looks like I've thrown darts at any random word on the board. It's alright as we should already know he is the main focus of the story.

Plot: It's a short story written in the format of a teen's diary with crude drawings. This book reminds me of those stories where you don't have to explain everything and it's up for us readers to come up with our own theories.

Characters/Setting: The Samurai is this monstrous being who kills anyone it deems as "evil" in its eyes. This is a very genuine portrayal of Japan in terms of the mood.
Each of the detective agents of VIA are given unique traits. Lucy is an unconventional character who starts off as unpleasant but capable to showing kindness. She has a reason to be this way which makes her relatable. We've all been jerks in our teens, right?

Overall: It's a 50/100. Not half-bad, just needs some work. I wouldn't recommend my second novel to anyone unless you're into it.

A Quirky Writer's Odyssey (1 & 2)

It's an autobiography where it offers how real the author can be and genuine messages to anyone who may relate to her story.
The cover and overall look is fun as well as crafty. It's like a mobile story where you had to scroll down to read the rest. You can learn a lot more of the culture and reality in Dubai through my perspective. It's a world full of cats, guys!
The first book is not that bad except I came off as a bit rambling and too many filler chapters. Some sentences are repetitive though. The later chapters start shifting to a bit positive and calmer mood, with more encouraging messages/stories to tell.
The second book is already a huge improvement and it shows how much I've grown as a person. The drawings are still great and convey a lot of emotions. I am able to talk a bit more of myself here in hopes that everyone may know me better.
The disclaimer tells the readers to always listen when someone's trying to share their side of the story (even if they may not agree or relate with the author's narrative entirely).

SYNTHETIC BLUE (Original Graphic Novel)

Cover: It's like a surreal painting made in the blue period. A man holding a ceramic eye is enough to make anyone who stumbles upon this book curious. The setting — Blue City— in the background is drawn pretty well.

Plot: It tackles serious themes such as a dysfunctional family, death, trauma and dealing with differences. The daughter of the Swedish Prime Minister joins two other kids to investigate the mysteries around the city and the truth about her family.
I get that it's meant for fast readers who may like waiting a bit long for something interesting to happen. It's good that the story got multiple seasons to explore any unanswered aspects and plotholes.

Visuals: It feels like the reader is being taken into this fantastical painting. Most of the environment is dunked in blue hues but we also get to see other color palettes as contrast. The Sandbergs mostly wear blue colors which make them feel detached from everyone else.
The Webtoon version was able to improve the graphics and make it easy to look at. The text are much readable now. A major nitpick, some characters need to be fully drawn instead of just being cropped or appear as 'chibis.' I get that they're side characters, but the readers want to know what they actually look like.

Characters/Setting: The 22nd-century setting is interesting. The infrastructures make the city look much alien in our eyes while its inhabitants are obviously made to look like social outcasts.
Jane and Lukas are two of my faves. Uh, Carlos has this basic design who is just there but I like the fact he's a selfless friend. The background characters have unusual skintones (maybe because I want SB to look as weird as possible).

Overall: As of now, the graphic novel appears to have potential. The Filipino version is fine though the translation has turned it into this draft of a classical telenovela. Still, it's a 96/100 for originality.

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