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To anyone wanting to quit writing and give up Wattpad altogether, think about what motivated you in the first place.

Was it because you had a unique idea that you wanted the world to see?

Were you hoping to add something on your resume and eventually land a job?

The desire to be like your idols?

Find any like-minded folks who can accept you and take interest in what you do?

You've joined every Book Awards and contests, built several platforms as well as interact with various people on the Internet to gain more attention.
    You made sure to update consistently and engage positively with your audience. All of that is enough to prove you're a great author.
   Let me tell you that I also started as a nobody on Wattpad since 2020. It wasn't easy maintaining a high number of followers and readers especially when my books don't fit the standard Wattpad story for teens. They may not be perfect, but that doesn't stop me anyway. I still believe there is gonna be a certain niche who will appreciate them.
    Fame doesn't happen overnight. There will be setbacks, moments of doubt and false hopes. It can take you weeks, months or even years before reaching a certain amount of fame.

I am not spouting these hollow, saccharine tomfoolery to shield you from the harsh truth. I believe there's a good way to explain things without being too cynical.

Just because someone has a massive following and audience across social media platforms, it doesn't guarantee they're gonna be perfect and famous. Heck, I only knows a few popular authors on Wattpad since there's just so many of 'em! You can still be one of the world's beloved authors despite having a small network.
Everybody else on Wattpad should also acknowledge others' achievements, no matter what size they are. Whatever marketing strategy someone has may not particularly work with the other.
    Instead of responding with "Who now?" to some underrated author, always give them credit. Be kind enough to applaud their efforts and give their works a chance.

Before you quit, do realize that all of that hard work will pay off some day.

It may be today, tomorrow or next time.

If you think Wattpad feels kind of old and dry, there are times it will be bustling with people and get a little better.

Writer's Guide 101 (Wattpad Edition)Where stories live. Discover now