XXVII. How To Avoid Continuity Errors

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It's one of those things that pisses off a lot of audiences. You have a specific character or plot that is usually overlooked by the author. This is due to having a large cast and so many ideas at once. Your story becomes an inconsistent mess.
My advice is to review all of your previous chapters and figure out whatever aspect should be explored next. Always remember the supposed premise of your story and try doing some other things until you already know what to write.
If you're working on a series, you can write a summary about the prior book so you have notes on how the sequel is supposed to be.

Similar to making TV shows and films, you have the script, drafts, outline and storyboards. This is why some authors take a while to release chapters.

Quality over quantity.

I wish many young readers understand that instead of rushing them to update every day.

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