IV. Finding Readership

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Back in 2020, I remember gaining a lot of readers after joining a Facebook group dedicated to Wattpad authors. We would check out each other's works, vote and follow at the same time.
    I was very nitpicky on whoever is fine with me promoting (a.k.a. "plugging") on their wall. It's great to see independent authors help out small authors through Book Clubs, Awards and Promotions. By leaving nice comments everywhere, it's easy to get discovered. They're all free so don't worry!

You can also promote your works in different platforms to expand your audience.
No matter how flawed and unconventional they are, this doesn't stop me from writing. I know there's bound to be some people who'd at least appreciate them.
     I highly disagree whenever someone says, "You shouldn't put your personal interests when writing a story. Try giving people what they want." Let me ask you something: What's the point of writing another teen fiction story that's been already done a thousand times now?
As a teen, I pretty much wanted to write stories where the boy and girl can just be friends or have a strong aromantic female who kicks butt.
    It's time readers discover new ideas and appreciate them the same way as any other genre out there. Without any variety, we're only left with an unimaginative reading experience.

Writer's Guide 101 (Wattpad Edition)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora