🧡 Dear Wattpad Fam! 🧡

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This post has references to mental crisis and cynicism. If you're not comfortable with that, either proceed with caution or skip this one. Try to contact your nearest hotlines if you or someone else needed help.

If you're going through some tough crap right now and wanted to end it all, do know that you're not alone. It may feel like the whole world is against you and writing on Wattpad feels so draining right now with all the toxicity and lack of support.

Guess what? Bad things don't last forever!

It doesn't take away the fact that there are also plenty of good things on this planet.
    Remember the people who learned to smile and turn their lives around in the past, as well as the lovely places you dreamed of visiting one day?
    How about those pets who always looked forward to see you, the delicious snacks and parties you could have attended?
    This may sound cheesy and all, but listen! I also found myself in the same dark spot before where I hoped the world would just blow up so life would be peaceful and void of drama.
   I don't blame anyone who thinks I'm being defensive and inconvenient most of the time. I am guilty of oversharing whenever I'm overwhelmed which scared my friends away. 
    It breaks my heart to see that some young authors talk about not having the will to live anymore. To the youngsters out there, if you're reading this, you've got a full life ahead of you. Today can get pretty unpleasant but tomorrow is gonna be another bright day.
    To the parental figures or educators on this platform, try talking to your kids. Let them express themselves in a healthy manner. Listen and promise to stick around through thick or thin.

Writer's Guide 101 (Wattpad Edition)Where stories live. Discover now