XXX. Why I Don't Have Social Media?

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DISCLAIMER: This may refer to themes of privacy issues online. Either proceed with caution or skip this part if you're uncomfortable.

While I understand that having an official social media page or website can help draw in a lot of attention to your works, I am pretty much worried about my privacy.
The trauma from being stalked in the past, falling victim to identity theft and potential hackers is still there. Many sites such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram make me feel less safe especially as an opinionated social outcast myself. Imagine getting canceled because some folks disagreed with you.
   I also don't want the people I know in real life to see my "colorful" posts. There are times I low-key vent online, discuss broad topics and publish unconventional books. Surely, there are relatives who'd ask me to remove stuff they personally don't like and have potential employers disassociate with me for my differences.
Having to juggle multiple platforms yourself can burn you out. I'd say it can be pretty stressful at times and is unlikely you'll be active on every platform at the same time. Heck, I haven't used my Wix account for ages now. I blame them for requiring payment for an official domain so the draft for my site has been collecting dust now.
Another pet peeve I have are the endless amounts of trolls and bots across the Internet. Now before you go "Stop thinking like the world is out to get you! Social media can be an amazing place depending on how you navigate it," I just want to say that I feel a lot at peace not being everywhere on the Internet.
It's a vast biome that we have no full control over. If you want a small author such as myself to get a huge readership, at least recommending my works on your platform would suffice (free advertising) as long as you give credit.
Hope you guys understand and support me regardless as it motivates me to continue my career as an author on Wattpad! (^з^)-☆

Your cool snarky author,
Haru Nikko

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