LXI. Big Author's Confession

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I am gonna be honest with you all and hope you guys don't hate me for it. Are you ready? Now in 3 ... 2 ...

While I was able to see the movies, I have never read a single Harry Potter book. I suppose it's because reading longer books just isn't for me. This is why I'm pretty much drawn to short stories and comics - easy to get into and doesn't take me a while to finish it.
I also understand the original source will always be superior compared to the movies (where a lot of things have been altered or completely left out). Maybe it was due to budget restraints, creative differences and the fact some aspects couldn't translate well into film. If only it were made into a CGI-animated film, it could at least have done the books justice in my opinion.
Of course, people are gonna freak out while claiming I'm not a true HP fan.

Let's be real here! Every fan has different experiences regarding a piece of media.

Some of us may have gotten into Harry Potter through the books before the movies came out; others actually discovered the movies first until they heard about the books later on.
You may be like me who liked HP to some extent while the person next to me is a rabid fan who isn't afraid to dress up as a Slytherin in public.

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