VII. Challenges

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It's weird to see how underrated some books are despite the author having a massive following. You could be someone who just published one book in a month and already have a thousand followers.
No matter what level you find yourself in, it's important to cherish every single moment along the way. Don't take it so hard. Your hard work will eventually pay off when the time comes.

To those who haven't known yet, I actually signed up on Wattpad in 2019 and published my first graphic novel — "BIOMETRICS" — at the start of 2020.
    I remember listening to some YouTube videos made by Creative Shenanigans (anisa__angel) and DEMI (AnakNiRizal) while working on my laptop. By the way, they're both successful authors on Wattpad as well so I highly recommend you check out them out
Now on the latter's Wattpad Peeves video, there was one thing that stood out to me: "You don't need a lot of followers to become popular. Just keep on writing and never give up."
   I lifted my hands from the keyboard, unplugged the one side of my earphone and started thinking. I began asking myself, "Uh ... Isn't getting over a thousand reads more important than everything else? What are you prattling about, Haru?"
The main drive was the instant success and to have something worth sharing whenever people asked what I've been up to lately. Every reunion felt nothing more but a formal brag party. I hoped to become a bestselling author when no other opportunity was available for me.
     As of right now, I'm not expecting to be a featured writer or Wattpad star. A lot of my works are shorter (it's required that your book has at least 50,000 words) and graphic novels are unheard of in this platform, but that's okay. There might be something good waiting for eccentric people like me who chooses to think outside the box in the future.

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