"You are so mannerless Aarav. I wonder how am I living with you till now.." Veer spoke in a saracstic way recieving a glare from Aarav. 

"In the same manner as I am living with you..."  

Aarav being Aarav twisted his left hand below the table. Veer jumped on his chair gritting his teeth at him.

"Ahh.." He groaned removing his hands from Aarav's hold.

"What's going on?" Jiaveer interrupted them.

"Dada sa, didn't you pulled theil eals in childhood. They ale so naughty.(Dada sa , didn't you pulled their ears in chilhood? They are so naughty)"  

Yuvaan tried controlling his laugh at this by gritting his teeth and biting his lips but failed. And he bursted out, holding his stomach and hitting his fist at table .

"What was the joke in this Yuvaan, kindly explain us as well." Aarav almost snarled at him.

It was getting out of control and Swara shook her head at the drama going on glaring all one by one, before they became silent and looked down. 

"Enough! If you are done then get up but don't waste food by taking out from your mouth." They knew who is the reciever of this warning and both of them focused on their plates.

"And Aarav meet me in Aarushi's room " She looked directly into his honey eyes before leaving the dinner table.

"Bye Aarav , best wishes!"

After finishing their dinner without creating any more chaos, all of them left to their room and Aarav went upstairs silently , turning his phone silent before reaching the room.

Aarushi was on her bed and Swara was sitting on the chair besides it , her leg on the top of another and hands folded around her. It was pin drop silence in the room. She looked up at him and nodded to come inside , standing in front of her like a culprit with heads down. He was not a prince here but she indeed was a queen not a mother.

"Correct me , wherever I am wrong, She asked you to go out of her room." She looked at him for a response and he just nodded his head.

"You were flirting with one of her friends?"

"Sort of.." He mumbled

"Sort of? Fine! let us take your sort of as truth , I will not go there. I trust you. So, you didn't left her room when she asked , she threw a pillow at you and in return you threw it back. She was standing on the bed and on your throw she fell down. "


"Is this how you behave in front of others? Fighting is fine but did you forgot , even if you hate each other , we are perfect in front of any one outside the family. Are you getting me ? Speak! You are not a cow , who nods at everything."

"I will make sure not to repeat it from next time." He looked in her eyes that were looking emotionless.

"I will not wait for next time. And you Aarushi , where did you learned hitting your elder brother ? Don't you both have an image to show as Prince and Princess. Being a royal comes with  responsibility, either accept it or leave it"

"S-Sorry" She leaned her head down.

"So, Aarushi you will do accounts calculation of today. No physical work is given as punishment because your sprained ankle. And Aarav, look at me when I am speaking! You will clean the cars today. No help from anyone. " She looked at both of them one by one, standing up stretching the loose end of her sari ahead, she left the room as he kept looking at her fading figure before turning his eyes his sister.

Shades of Lies ✔ [Completed] #Book1Where stories live. Discover now