(gametoons)purple x reader

220 8 5

Requested by @gjrgjrgbrjs852 

Sry, it's short-

2nd Pov:

You were now getting prepared for a date with purple. You have been dating about 5 years. It's been pretty well this far. He is taking care of you very well and you care about him also really well. You were already making your way over to the date. Since...well... he is a rainbow friend,  he can't go outside so you guys always have a date in another way in oddsworld. Today, he was taking you on a dinner. Well, free dinner he made it by himself. It was still tasty though. And you thought it would be the same...

You arrived at the place you were supposed to meet. Why you didn't go together from the first place? To make it a bit more like dating. But the place you arrived was completely dark. No light. Only the moonlight.

"Hello, my dear."

You heard from behind. You turned around and saw a pair of eyes but not his complete feature.

"Purple? Is that you?"

You asked. He giggled.

"Yes, now come on. I will lead you to the table. I can see clearly well here. Don't worry. The power will be back soon."

He said and put his hand on your back. He started to walk with you. The  he stopped and placed you on a chair. 

"Don't worry. The power will come back soon."

He said. You nodded knowing he can see you. Suddenly,  you heard a loud click. Then the power was back but...it was more...decorated? There were a lot of traditional lamps and a lot of candles. Wait, are those floating candles? Those in that balloon or something! It looked so beautiful. You admired the view. You turned to look at purple and saw him sitting on the opposite chair from you staring at you. 

"Beautiful, isn't it?"

He asked. You smiled.

"Yeah, it is... did you plan this all? Is today a special day?"

You asked. He smiled. 


When he was about to say something, a music interrupted him.

"Tonight the music, seems so loud~"

Purple looked down embarrassed.  You giggled. Purple glared at a Bush.

"Turn the music off!"

He shouted annoyed. The music turned off and you heard some giggle. Purple sighed. 


He got cut off again by a "cupid" flying around you guys. It was attached to a string. Someone was controlling it. You looked up to see probably orange on a roof.

"I swear to god, if you guys interrupt me again-"

Purple yelled in rage but you stopped him. 

"Hey hey...let's calm down and eat, don't we?"

You asked. Purple sighed and nodded. After he nodded a waitress or more like red in waitress form came to you guys and put a food on your desk and walked casually away. It was your favourite food. You were now happy.

"Oh my god, thank you, purple! You'rethe best!"

You said smiling widly. Purple smiled at the sight of you being happy. You started to dig in and smiled. Purple also begun to eat smiling at you.

As you finished eating, you sighed in satisfaction. 

"Thanks purple! I had fun! But... is today something special? You know...these decoration..."

You stated. Purple then begun to sweat. Then he cleared his voice.

"You see...it's not a special day...but is about to be."

When he said that, the power went out again. You couldn't see anything.

"Uh, purple? Are you there? Why does it keep happening? Are the decorations taking too much power?"

You asked kinda worried. But the reply didn't come. Just as you were about to ask, the power went back. You turned to see where purple was, but he wasn't there. You looked around and soon found purple...crouching? 

"Y/n...we have been dating for about 5 years...I Uh- well... I am really bad at this but...will you marry me...?"

He asked as held up a small box. You gasped. You were surprised. 

'I-is this real?'

You asked yourself blushing. You blinked twice. Then you knew it was real. He was proposing you. Your heart was pumping so loud, scared that someone can hear this.


You screamed almost crying. He was also happy and had a bit tear on the edge of his eye. (Author: what's supposed to happen after that-? I seriously have no idea-)

He took the ring out and took your hand. He slid your finger smoothly through the ring. You smiled. Then you brought him to a tight hug. He chuckled. Then you heard someone fangirling from the roof and the bushes. You looked up to see orange jumping around happily and blue screeching behind the bushes while green looked confused. Yellow was flying around the sky in happiness. Red and cyan were smiling at you. They were happy for you. And you guys are also happy. 

"I am so glad to have you in my life."

Rainbow friends oneshotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें