Purple x reader x orange

460 10 37

Requested by @TheLoraxHasARpg

Your pov:

I was chilling in the theatre and was drawing some picture of orange and purple. They were both my best friends. But they kinda had a problem...

"Y/n! I looked for you everywhere!"

I heard orange shouting. I looked towards him to see him really happy.  He jumped one me and hugged me as I hugged him back. I giggled.

"What's gotten you so excited?"

I asked. He giggled. 

"I can hang out with you! With no disturbance! At least I hope so."

Orange said the last part kinda quietly. He then looked at my drawing I made.

"Ohhh! That's me and purple! It's a great art!"

Orange said. 

"Thank you."

I thanked him smiling.

"But...why aren't you there?"

He asked me.

"Uh- why not?"

I asked him.

"I want you to be next to me. Like here! On the left side with me."

He exclaimed. He pointed at the place where he was on the left side and again to the other left side. So away from purple. 

"Alright then. I will draw myself there-"

I got cut off by another voice.

"I think y/n can draw themself here next to me on the right side."

Purple said from behind pointing at completely other side of where orange was pointing.

"Hey! I want to be next to y/n!"

Orange yelled at purple.

"Same goes for me."

Purple said to orange. 

"I asked them first!"

Orange yelled.  

"I asked them calmly. Not so hyper like you."

Purple said. 

"I'm not so emo like you!"

Orange yelled.

"And I'm not so short like you."

Purple said laughing.

They continued to argue. Yeah, that's the problem they have. Always fighting over who gets the place next to me. Not only with drawing, also irl. As example: When we eat dinner with everyone, we sit on our table. Orange jumped next to me so he could sit next to me. Since the other side of him is occupied because of someone other like blue or green, purple pushes orange off and sit where orange was supposed to be and then they start to yell each other. Then red gets annoyed and hit them both with his slipper so they would be quiet.  After we finished our dinner these 2 will stillfught and sometimes it can get violent. Though it's a childish violence because these 2 still love each other (as friends). Like orange slaps him like a cat but without craws. And then purple holds him up and then shakes him around. That's kinda funny and cute to watch. But in the end, red slaps them and they stop fighting. This happens every day. 


They shouted at me. I snapped back to reality and looked at them.


I asked.

"Which place do you want to draw yourself? Next to me? Or purple?"

Orange asked. They both stared at me. I looked at the picture.

"How about in the middle? So I can be next to you both."

I answered.

"But there is barely space there!"

Orange exclaimed. I chuckled. 

"Give me the picture."

I said and orange handed me the picture. I started to draw myself between them. I was done and showed the picture to orange and purple.

"Here! Look at this."

I said. They both looked at the picture. It was drawn me between these 2. My arms were around their shoulder and I was kinda behind. It looked like if we were the best buddies.

"That's actually pretty good."

Purple said. Orange nodded.

"Told ya guys. It would be just fine."

I said. 

"Yeah, but I still won't give y/n to orange."

Purple said.

"Oh, you're on!"

Orange said. 

When will they stop fighting??? Suddenly purple held me up. 

"Catch me if you can, shorty."

Purple said mocking to orange and started to run. Orange growled and chased us.

"I may be short but I'm faster than you!"

Orange yelled.

"Well, can you reach me?"

Purple asked. Orange only growled in response.  

"Uh- purple? Let's stop fighting and put me down. Please?"

I asked him. He chuckled.

"Not now, y/n. This is quite fun and I like you being near me."

He said. I sighed. Boys these days... then suddenly, purple fell and let go of me. Then someone took my hand and ran. I saw orange pulling me by my hand.

"Can you keep up with me?"

He asked. 


I answered. Then we found a waggon in the halls. We ran towards it. Orange put me in the waggon. I'ma just play along with this nonsense. Then orange pushed the waggon with me and ran.

"Orange! Wait, you ass!"

Purple shouted from behind. 

"Nope! I'm way too fast!"

Orange said. Not gonna lie. This is pretty fun. That's what I thought until we crashed into a wall. I bumped my head with orange and purple then accidentally ran into us and fell with us.


Purple mumble.

"Oh oh...guys? We might not have broken a machine red made..."

Orange said. We looked at him shocked. 

"So...tell me what is going on here...?"

We heard a voice from the speaker.  It's red...

"Uh...red, this is not what it looks like. It's just your uhhh hallucination!"

Orange said. 

"You three go in my office right now or else you will have to do all the chores this whole month."

Red said. We gulped.  We made our way to red's office and got lectured by him. We ended up cleaning this whole factory. 

"This sucks!"

Orange said.


Purple said. 

"Yo,purple. You think we can play later minecraft?"

Orange asked.

"Yeah, sure."

Purple answered.

Even though they fight like this, they are still good friends to each other...

A/n: sorry, this was short.

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