Blue x (singer)male!reader

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Requested by @HeroicRobot

Your pov:

I am living in this place for almost half a year. I enjoyed this place. Everyone was nice to me. Red spares me because he said that I kinda reminded him of him. He never told me the details though. My best friend is blue. He is supportive and loyal. I wish I stayed with him as long as I can. But...I have a dream. To become a singer. It was always my dream. But I don't know if I can do it. Am I fit for a singer? Can I even sing good?  My mind was always like that. No one knows about my dream because I'm scared if they laugh at me or feel pity that I won't be able to become a singer. So i never told anyone about this...

I was sitting on a roof. Watching the moon(this place takes place in chapter 2). The moon was beautiful along the stars. I sometimes watch the stars and moon to clear my head off. Then I heard someone walking behind me. I turned around to see blue.

"Oh hey, blue. What brings you here?"

I asked. He came closer and sat next to me also watching the sky.

"Just to see what you up to. I mean, you come here only when you have to clear your head off. Is something bothering you?"

He asked worried. I never told him that this place is a spot for me to clear things off. How much does he know about me?

"Eh...nothing's going. Just some stress. You know, teenagers.."

I replied. He then held my chin to look straight at him which made me blush. A lot. No, no, no! I can't be gay! I'm not homophobic or something, but there would be another reason to make me fun of. And I only see him as best friend anyways. Yeah! Friends can also make you blush somehow!

"You do know that I'm not going to buy that. What's wrong? You can tell me anything, buddy. We're best friends after all."

Blue said. I avoided eye contact. I sighed.

"Fine I will tell you. But first, please let go of my face."

I said trying to act like I don't really care about these situation. Though my heart is beating as heck. He noticed and quickly let go of me.

"And second. Promise me you won't laugh?"

I said. 

"Of course."

He said. I took a deep breath.

"You see, I have a dream."

I said. He nodded.

"And the dream is quite impossible for me to become but I want to become a singer."

I confessed. I was looking down. It was quiet. Of course he would think that it's impossible. 

"Why would you think I would laugh? I seriously thought you're dream would be like becoming spiderman or something."

He said. I was surprised. He doesn't think it's impossible?

"But...don't you it's impossible? It's a really hard dream."

I said.

"Every dream is hard to catch. That's life. But don't think that it's a stupid dream. It's your dream.  I actually can imagine you singing on a stage. Everyone watching you and say that you're the best. Bet they all would want to be friends with you. But! No one can be a better friend than me to you!"

Blue said proudly. I smiled. 

"Thanks for encouraging me,blue."

I thanked him. He smiled. But soon frowned. 

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