Purple x rf!reader

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The rf in the title means rainbow friend. That means the reader are a rainbow friend.  So the reader will turn into one of them. The colour or the looks are your choice.

Y/c= your colour

Requested from: @Tundrastar4

Your pov:

Darkness. That's all I remember after getting pulled by the thing in the vent. I was looking for few things for the speaker with my classmates. Many of them died. This was the 4th night. The lights was out. Maybe that's why I only remember darkness? It was still dark. Did I die? Then I saw a little light. Is that the exit? I think I walked to the light? Or was the light coming closer to me? Soon I was infront of the light and felt myself getting sucked in the light. That's when I knew something. I was alive. I was now in a room? More like a lab. I looked around until I saw a mirror. I saw a colourful creature? No, that's not me right...? I looked down to see my hand y/c. The from of the hand was also different. I wasn't a human anymore...I looked around again and saw a note on a desk. It had a doctor writing.  I read it. 

           Dear y/n,

           I am red. The one who was speaking through the speaker. You must             be confused now... well, let me explain to you. You got my interest.               So I got purple to kidnap you to me. And this is how you end up                     here. Now that you're a part of the rainbow friends, you will never                 be able to get out of here... 

                                    That's all, have fun living here!

                                                                           From red

I was shocked. No, I was...mad? Disappointed? I don't know... But I know for a fact it's a negative feeling. I fell on my knees and sobbed. I didn't want to cry. I felt like a crybaby. Then I felt someone tapped my knee. I looked to my knee and saw a purple hand. The owner of the hand was in the vent. I only saw 2 big eyes that was looking at me. I stared at those eyes. I soon saw their emotion through their eyes. Guilty


I spoke. They still stared at me with no word.

"Are you...ok?"

I asked. They then looked down. 

"I...I'm sorry... you're in this situation bcs of me... I am the one that pulled you inside the vent and brought you to red."

They- I assumed it was a he(btw. In my book, everyone is a male. If you want them to be a female or other gender, please tell me. I might make a headcannons of them).  He started to apologize. Ah, he's purple, the one red wrote about. 

"I...uh...can you maybe come out?"

I asked. He then looked up at me. He then put his hand on the fence and  pulled up the fence. He slowly got out and gosh, was he big. 

"Woah, you sure are big..." 

I accidentally sit it out. He chuckled.

"I guess that's how red made me."

He said jokingly. I didn't know if I'm supposed to laugh there or not. It means well, that he also used to be a normal living being.

"Right...anyways... it's not really you're fault. You were ordered to kidnap me. You may be apart of this but the one who's fault at is red. He made me look like this."

I said. He seemed to be surprised. 

"Uhhh...true...still I put you into this, so I should still apologise..."

Purple said. I hugged him.

"Well, if it really is your fault, I forgive you."

I said. He hesitated before hugging me back.

"Thank you..."

He said happily.

Time skip

I was in this factory for a month now. It was better than I imagined. Red wasn't also that bad, the other rainbow friends weren't that wild like I saw them for the first time. Uhh...orange is quite wild but he still can be nice. Blue and green were also nice to me and was fun to hang out. And purple...he's great. He is my best friend. I may have a tiny crush on him but I kept ignoring that.  Just being around him is enough.  I was now hanging around with him. Just us vibing to some songs. 

"Hey, y/n...I'm still sorry about-"

"Purple, I said I forgave you, if it was your fault."

I interrupted him.

"I was about to say, I'm still sorry for eating your food."

Purple said. I looked at him dumbfounded. Now this was really embarrassing. 

"Eh, about that. I still don't forgive you."

I simply said before turning my head around blushing a bit. He giggled. Adorable...wait, no. Not right now, y/n. I still didn't forgive him for eating my food. 

"I'm sorry, y/n. I really am."

Purple said a bit laughing.

"No, you're not."

I said pouting. 

"Please forgive me."

He begged with his puppy eyes. Dang it...

"Fine...don't do it again, alright?"

I said.


He simply said.

"But...under one condition. "

He continued.

"Bro, forgiveness is this one condition so shut up. "

I said.

"Aw come on...you can say no to. I won't force you. It's an pretty...important question..."

He said a bit nervous.

"Huh? I should just answer a question? That's fine then."

I said.

"Will you go out with me?"

Did I just hear it correctly? He didn't seem nervous or something. 


I said.

"You heard me."

He said with the same tone.

"Yeah, but you literally said it like, it's nothing. You don't seem nervous. "

I said.

"I AM literally dying cus I'm so nervous AF right now."

He said dramatically. I chuckled.

"Alright, then. Maybeyyy I will go out."

I replied.

"What do you mean 'maybe '?"

Purple asked desperately.

"It means maybe yes or maybe no."

I said.

"Come on, just say no or yes now. You can also reject me. I don't mind..."

He said acting like he won't be sad.

"Yes yes, you won't."

I said sarcastically. He pouted.

"Yes, I will go out with you."

I finally said. He jumped out of happiness and tackled me and hugged me. 

"Now I can finally call you with my whole nicknames list I made for you!"

"Huh, what-"

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