Yellow x mute!reader

948 18 12

Requested: @TARRslime



(Maybe) gore?


Your pov:

I was collecting lookies with my classmates that survived in the factory. We were only like 6 people. Some people already died here while screaming in pain. I bet I will die here soon to. But I won't be able to scream out of fear or in pain. Because I'm mute. 

"Y/n, I have a plan."

One of my classmates approached me and said to me. I looked at him confused. I brought my small notebook from my pocket out and wrote.

'What is the plan?'

I wrote.

"Just give me that lookie. And you just have to distract those monsters from me."

He said.


I wrote.

"So it will be faster to finish the quest."

He answered. He was kinda sweating. 


I wrote. I hope nothing will go wrong. 




Here I am now. On my knees. Infront of a yellow pteranodon. I was crying. Not bcs I'm sad. Because I'm mad? Yeah, I think that's it. What happened? Well, that classmate of mine just left me here. It was all his plan.

--- 5 minutes ago---

"Y/n! Hurry up! This way!"

He said while carrying the lookie I gave him. We were running away from yellow. The classmate made big sound that made yellow give us attention. We were now in blue's castle. We came from the place where the big lookie was and now we were running in the halls. I was beside him. Now we were in blue's room. Where his throne was. We were almost out of the room until the boy tripped me on the ground. I was on the ground and looked up to see the boy smiling and running to the door. He opened the door and closed it. And  I could hear that he was putting something heavy infront of the door so I couldn't get out. I looked back and saw yellow already behind me. I looked back at the door and heard the boy say:

"Hah! You thought I would team up with a freak like you? Funny joke...  i don't want anyone that can't even speak with their mouth... we don't need useless people. That what we all think. Have fun getting eaten..."

He chuckled before leaving. I was crying. More like sobbing. 

---back to present---

Yeah, that's how I got in this situation... now I'm about to get eaten by a yellow cute pteranodon.

 I'm dying bcs of him...

it's his fault...

all his fault...

My thoughts were interrupted when someone tapped my shoulder. I looked up still having tears in my eyes. I saw yellow. He was crouching down to face me.

"Wh-wh¥...d-dId-didn-diDn'T ¥O-¥oU t-T€-t€Ll him o-of? T-that wasn't r-r€@ll¥ nic€ of h-him. No-now ¥ou c-c@n'tt-t@k€ out ₩-₩h@t ¥ou'r€ f€€ling n-now."

He asked glitching. I didn't  expect that. I didn't expect him to start speaking. And also that question. I brought my notebook from my pocket. 

'I'm mute. I can't write through doors, sadly. That'salso the reason why I am here.'

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