Headcannons about my rainbow friends

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Just their personality and some other stuff


Gender: male

Personality: Innocent, chill, loyal, ambivert,Still can get grumpy, if as example orange steals his cake or something

Hobby: Eating cake,baking cake, hanging out with green

Age: changes every chapter but mostly 15-18

Platonic love: cares for his friend very much, protective, supportive, always hugs them, don't even hesitate before killing someone who hurt or made his friend cry, gives a lot of presents.

Romantically love for someone: everything same as the platonic one, cuddles everyday, gets lonely if his lover is away for a hour,  kisses forehead a lot, bcs of cuddling too much ends up sleeping on the floor or somewhere together 


Gender: male

Personality: innocent, confusing, 0 self-confidence, ambivert, (scared)

Hobby: dancing, explore, hanging around blue

Age: same as blue

Platonic love: same as blue, clingy, always by their side, feels unsafe if no one is with him, asks every minute if his friend is there

Romantic love: clingy, always wants attention,  always hugging, kisses somewhere bcs he can't see, piggyback, scared if he got left when he can't hear any voices


Gender: male

Personality: chill, jokey, funny, introvert, sometimes shy 

Hobby: being on his own, pranking people, making jokes and be a fnaf reference 

Age: same as the first 2

Platonic love: supportive, protective, gives chocolate, makes fnaf references with his friend (who likes the referance), sometimes make them trip with their hands

Romantic love: Protective, spend time in his vent, fnaf references 24/7, playing with lover's hair,  huggy, carries lover bridal style, kisses on hand, stalks lover if their not with him for 30 minutes, if 40 minutes he drags his lover in his vent


Gender: male

Personality: sleepy,hungry, hyperactive, angry, introvert ,(softy)

Hobby: eat, sleep

Age: 13-16

Platonic love: supportive, protective, shares food, sleeps on lover's lap, always next to lover when they walk out of his cave

Romantic love: overprotective, supportive, 24/7 stays with lover, he wants to be in the cave together as long as they can, jealous(bites their hand lightly),watch anime with lover



Personality: (kinda) bossy, caring, busy, annoyed, introvert

Hobby: science stuff

Age: 20 - 25

Platonic love: Don't see each other much (like 4 times in a week), but red still observe on his camera how his friend is doing,  ignorant,but caring, shows his experiment he finished to impress

Romantic love: can't see so much but still he tries, cuddling, stalking on camera while doing some experiments,  flirty, kisses hands and cheek, overprotective,  just bcs he stalks, doesn't mean he doesn't respect privacy, so no stalking inthe bathroom or shower

Yellow (my fav, cus he saves mein the game):


Personality: shy, innocent, no self-confidence,  lonely,can be sadistic, introvert (his personalities completely changes, when he's playing video games. He is going on full rage)

Hobby: flying, relax, drawing

Age: 13-16

Platonic love: supportive, tries to make his friend happy as much as he can, doesn't really hurt people, but if he wants he will rip someone their organs out, a lot of presents (mostly his drawing of his friend)

Romantic love: protective, shy, scares if he does something to upset or hurt his lover, cuddly, flies lover up to see the sights they can see, (if scared of heights) he will build a small house that is up to see the sights so his lover doesn't get scared


Gender: female

Personality: chill, protective, kuudere, Ambivert 

Hobby: observing ladybugs, watching flowers

Age: 15-18

Platonic love: protective,supportive, seems like she doesn't care bcs of her mood, but she deeply cares for her friends, pretty cool around people, can get angry when her friends gets hurt

Romantic love: overprotective, tries to give everything to her lover, hugs from back but with her legs and tail, purrs like a cat, lays her head on her lovers head lap

Yeah, that's all. Bye 

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