Red x Lygirophobia!Trans!Reader

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Requested by AlternateAlec

(kinda had to change the request a bit)

trans: girl to boy


panic attack

lygirophobia (fear of loud noises)

Your pov:

I was searching for batteries in the dark while being chased from 4 mascots. One of them was blue. The blue big creature who chases us when he saw us. Another was green. He is blind but he cam hear us. Another one was purple. They were in the vents and tried to drag us inside the vent. Another one was orange. I don't really know what he does because he never got out of the cave since we fed him.

I found the last batteries and made my way to the theatre. I kept checking every rooms and hall to see if any of these mascots were there. So I am walking pretty slowly. I tried to stay calm in this situation.  And i was calm and thought I will be fine. Until...

a loud alarm was to be heard.

I flinched at the loud noise and dropped the batteries.  I held my ears so I wouldn't hear them but it didn't work. I started to panic. I looked around. I don't know what was going on bit I need to get out of here. I walked somewhere trying to find a safe place.

Every second, I felt my breath going away.  I started to hitch and tried to gasp for air. My head started to ache cuz of lack of oxygen.  My vision also started to become more blurry.

But soon I saw a door. I didn't know which door. But I had a feeling I would be safe from whatever that alarm signaled. I burst through door and tripped on a floor. I could still hear the alarm.

I stared at the floor I assumed. My vision became more blurry. Soon I heard my ears peep. I couldn't breath. I tried to stand up, knowing it was not safe to pass out here.  I proceed to stand up. My vision was almost completely gone. I tried to lean onto a wall but couldn't find any and was about to trip. Yes, was about to.

But I felt someone held me before falling by my waist.  I tried to look who it was but couldn't see. Then the person lead me somewhere. I didn't know if it was safe but I didn't have any other choice.

The more we walked, the less I could hear the alarm. Was the person taking me somewhere quiet? After some minutes, the alarm was completely gone. Then I felt the person carry me and then placed me on a... hospital bed I suppose? it felt like that as I sat on it. I felt the person's hand on my back rubbing it. My vision became clearer and I could feel my breath again.

"Inhale 4 seconds and hold it for 8 seconds."

I suddenly heard the person say. The voice was kinda familiar. I did as what the person said and held my breath for 8 seconds.

"Now exhale for 7 seconds."

The voice said. I did what the person said.

"Now repeat."

He said and I repeated some times. Soon I calmed down. My vision was now clear and I could breath properly again. I looked to the person and saw... a red head with a lab clothes?

"Uh- uh... thank you for helping me."

I thanked not knowing where to exactly start with. He nodded.

"Don't mention it. I just did it because of pity."

He said. I nodded.

"Um...who are you if I may ask."

I asked. He took a second to answer.

"I am red. What about you, young lady?"

He asked and I froze at the word 'lady'. I didn't like it. I may be...physically but I never asked to be a girl. I wanted to be a male.


I stuttered.  He looked at me as uf he was trying to read me as a book. Then he seemed to understand something.

"I see. I pardon for the misunderstanding, gentleman."

He said in a proper manner. I was surprised.

"Y-you don't mind being me weird?"

I asked. He raised his eyebrow.

"I don't see what is weird with you. Isn't that normal?"

He asked. I shook my head.

"No, I am originally a girl. I want to be a male but that's not originally me. That's what people said."

I said looking down.

"It's still normal.  I mean, a lot of people want to be something. Like wanting to be a doctor. For kids, they want to be a I don't know...a unicorn or dragon? And then there is someone who wants to be rich and tries their best to be. And people like you aren't so different than them. You just want to be something and wants to turn into them. So you tried everything to look like a boy."

He said. I was surprised at his words.

"Those people who thinks this is wrong are just selfish then. They also want to become something. At least they dud once their life. But if they won't allow the others to be what they want, then they are just being selfish. So don't listen to them."

He said. I felt tears at the corner of my eyes. I was never this happy. I think I have never heard these kind words before about what I want to be.

"T-thank you."

I thanked him. He then patted my head.

"No need to thank. I just said the truth. Now, gentleman, what may your name be?"

He asked. I smiled.

"It's y/n.

The boy you saved me 2 times from different things."

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