(gametoons) green x transmasc!gay!reader

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For people who don't know transmasc, it means trans girl to boy. Girl turning to boy.

Requested by yippie2023 (sry I can't tag, because of technical problem)

3rd Pov:

"Girlie~! I can hear your heartbeat, even if I am blind~! Just give up and let me eat you!"

The green, blind creature yelled chasing you with his party horn noises. You were running as fast as you can and your legs started to hurt. He was chasing you clean. As if he wasn't blind. Then you saw a locker. You hid yourself in there and hoped he would not notice you. But he stopped right infront of the locker. You panicked and tried to control your breath.

"Oh girlie... I am not that stupid...I heard you go in there."

He said aware. You wanted to cry. But you also didn't want to. Boys don't cry... after all...

"Why not just give up and come out?"

He asked you in a sinister tone.  You felt tears coming out of tears and you hated it.

"I can sense you crying~!"

He said sadistic.  That snapped you.


You yelled in denial. You didn't want to admit you were scared. You didn't want to admit you were crying...

"Woah woah. No need to get hostile. Was the topic too touchy for you?"

He asked. You rubbed your tears away.


You mumbled. You could see him tilt his head or neck or maybe even the body through the locker hole.

"Why? I am now curious. "

He asked. You were now debating in your head weather to tell him or not. You sighed.

"Because boys don't cry..."

You answered hesitantly. 

"Boys? Are you a boy? Weird. I can normally sense gender by hearing the heart beat."

He said. This made you stiff. Even if you did get a operation, maybe the organs are still female. Ad example the colon of the females are longer than a male for pregnancy or something. Maybe heart beats to?

"I...I used to be a girl..."

You hesitantly explained.

"Used to? So you transformed into a male? How does that work?"

Green asked in confusion. Guess he must have not seen so much on this horrible world.

"Have you ever heard of...trans? Transgender?"

You asked. He scratched his head.

"No? What is that?"

He asked.

"It's when someone wants to become the opposite gender. For me it's a girl that wants to become a male. For that you can also get operation. Pretty expensive if I say..."

You explained. You still didn't get the operation since you still weren't 18. You only had to wait one or two years. You made yourself look like a boy by cutting hair and using binder but physically wasn't still...

"Hmm...that's pretty new to me. You explained it like it's something bad. Is it a crime? Because I don't see any problems with it."

He asked. He doesn't have any problem with it?

"Well... a lot of people don't support it. Like a girl must stay girl or a boy must stay a boy. A lot of people aren't supportive of lgbt-q..."

You answered sadly.

"Now what is lgbt-q?"

He asked.


"Wait, can you get out? I feel gazes. I think they think I am talking to a locker..."

He said annoyed. You were hesitant but you decided to go out. He really does seem curious so he probably won't kill you. But talking to a human won't make anything better you thought. He cleared his voice.


He said. You sighed.

"Lgbt-q is well... I suppose you could say if you want to change the gender and your attracts and i think more. People who aren't apart of lgbt-q are people who are their own gender and like the opposite gender. But as example me...I am trans. A girl who wants to become a boy. If I stayed as a girl, I would have been normal. But now I am a boy, I am now gay."

You explained.

"What is gay?"

Green asked.

"It's when a boy likes a boy."

You replied simply. He stayed silent.

"I think I get your point."

He broke the silence.

"You are a boy. But you are having a bit of misunderstanding.  First of all, just because people aren't supportive you doesn't mean that you should feel insecure. Secondly,  Boys can cry. Most of all, you were about to die."

He explained.  You looked up to him. You didn't thought you would get advice from a green creature who tried to kill you.

"Oh...uh...thank you, green..."

You thanked him blushing a bit. You were happy that someone supports you.

"No problem. I still don't exactly get what lgbt-q is, but I support it."

He said patting your head.

"You know, I was about to kill you but I like you. I let ya live. Don't die. Don't let my spare go waste."

He said and walked off leaving you there. You were wondering why he spared or why he liked you. But you were glad.

"Well, I suppose it is true that someone on the world will accept you."

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