(gametoons) purple x suicidal!reader

367 14 21

requested by gjrgjrjgbrjs85248


suicidal thoughts

suicidal attempts

Self harm

depression (?)

(if you are uncomfortable about these things, please leave!)

Your pov:

"Y/n! Stop trying to get away while I'm taking a nap!"

I heard purple yell from the halls. I was hiding under a table. Why was I hiding?

I wanted to end myself so badly but purple was being annoying. 

"Oh Heya y/n!"

I heard a voice from behind and saw orange standing infront of me.

"O-orange?! What are you doing here?"

I whisper-yelled.

"Oh nothing. Just purple wanted me to find you so I can get food."

He said smiling and kicked me out of the table. His kick doesn't hurt cuz the legs were tiny but now the problem was...

purple was standing infront of me. Looking angry.

"Thank you, orange. You can go now."

Purple said to orange and tossed him a pack of food. Orange jumped in happiness and ran off. I laughed nervously and backed away. But purple only grabbed me by my wrist and then by my waist and threw me on his shoulder.


I yelled. He ignored me and started walking. It was a complete silence til we arrived at my room. We entered my room and he put me down. He sighed.

"Y/n... I thought I got rid of all those glass pieces and those meds. You even got yourself a new rope!"

He yelled at me.  I only looked away. He sighed again.

"I really don't want to do this because I will feel like a overprotective parents who keeps GPS and other stuff on their child but i guess I have to do it."

He said disappointed. I was confused.

"You are banned from this room. You are going to move in my room."

He said and I gasped in shock.

"What?! But this is my room! And your room is a vent!!"

I yelled.

"First of all, I have a proper room! And second of all,  you know the reason why you are banned here now."

He said. I sighed in defeat.

"Fine, just let me pack every-"

"No, I will pack it for you. I don't trust you with packing things from here."

Purple said. I gasped in shock again.

"You're not my mom!"

"Of course! You don't have one! Atleast in this book-"

Purple said. It was an awkward silence. I groaned and walked out of the room but only to be stopped by purple.  I groaned again.

"What now?"

I asked. Purple glared at me.

"Do you think I trust you enough to let you go on your own?"

He asked.

"I told you, You're not my-"

"You don't have one! And stop creating deja vu!(sry guys,  I end up making these kind of things a bit into a comedy cuz I'm ya know...-)"

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