Chapter 14: Mere Angel

Start from the beginning

"Oh yeah?" Cathedral asked, hoisting her tridant a little higher, "Then let us see whether the world truly favors you or not!"

Cathedral striked first.

She threw her tridant at Morana with a force so strong it nearly made her topple backwards.

Morana side stepped, ducking to avoid the razor sharp prongs of the cyan tridant. She lashed out with her venomous daggers, aiming for Cathedral's hands.

Cathedral snarled, letting loose a wip of energy that tried to wrap around Morana's daggers but was forced back by their poisonous aura.

Cathedral fought like she never had before.

She twirled her tridant and brought it down on Morana's head.

However, the older girl simply threw a shuriken and pushed the tridant away as though it were nothing.

Cathedral screamed in frustration, letting out all her feelings.

She fought, knowing that both Scott and Jimmy had betrayed her; she fought, knowing that the world was unfair; she fought, knowing that she wanted the world to change.

That knowledge empowered her.

It made her fight with a fierceness she never had before.

Though every single hit took so much energy it made her want to faint, she pushed on, knowing that Morana was the only thing in her path left.

Morana was fighting in a different way too.

She fought, thinking about all the people who had hurt her.

The Ocean, for giving her a poisonous voice; her mother, for wanting to destroy the world; the boy who had once been the love of her life, for betraying her; Cathedral, for turning evil; Scar, for taking Lauren away from her...

She tapped into the powers that had stayed silent since the day she left Lorrel.

She summoned the powers of the two oceans of Lorrel, the Emerrain Sea and the Nidora Ocean, the place where she was born.

She summoned the powers of her mother, which she had tried so hard to keep silent, knowing that using that power could result in the destruction of the world way easier than Cathedral's powers.

She summoned the powers of the Ocean, even though she once hated Her for ever existing.

She summoned the powers of her sisters, even though she hated them for sinking her ship and bringing her the life of sirenhood.

She summoned the powers of her true self, the power she had used that day against her mother.

And at that moment, Morana knew that Cathedral didn't stand a chance against her.

Calmly, Morana let loose five of her shurikens, each enveloped in a emerald green so bright it would have burned any mortal's gaze and left them blind.

Cathedral's tridant danced in her hand, trying to deflect every single hit from the girl who had saved her after her memories had been wiped.

With a roar of anger, Cathedral's eyes turned a pale lavender.

With one hand, she weilded her tridant, with the other, she summoned beams of energy which she used to try to blast Morana.

With each hit, Cathedral felt her energy slipping away.

But she didn't much care.

She stabbed forward with her tridant, only to be pushed back by a 70 foot tall wave.

Cathedral was momentarily struck by shock, but she recovered quickly, she snarled, blasting the wave apart and running forward, thrusting her tridant forward with such force that it left her grasp and slammed Morana backwards.

Morana glared at Cathedral, her eyes glowing a brighter emerald green as she pushed the tridant away and advanced.

"You betrayed me, Cathedral!" she snarled, her daggers dripping venom as she moved, "I helped you after you lost your memories, I helped you find yourself."

She paused, "And this is what you do in return? Create a gameshow where everyone will die? Is that all you can do?"

Cathedral screamed in rage, bringing down a wip of energy.

Morana didn't even bother to dodge, she grasped the beam of energy and yanked it out of Cathedral's grasp, something no one had ever done in the past.

Cathedral, momentarily dazed by shock, growled in frustration as she let loose her tridant, trying to pin Morana to the tree.

Morana spun her daggers in her hands, unravelling the nearly invisible threads tied to the hilt.

It was Knife Wire, the only weapon in the world that had no hilt, but also the sharpest that ever existed.

She wrapped the wire around her hands, knowing that it couldn't hurt her because she was a siren, then spun it out at Cathedral.

The wire wrapped around Cathedral's hand, making her scream in pain.

With a cry, Cathedral created another wip of magic and brought it down on Morana, making her back away.

Morana shook herself, throwing her daggers like boomerangs, pulling taught on the Knife Wire connecting the daggers to her hand.

The first dagger missed Cathedral by a fraction of an inch, the other tripped her, making her fall backwards.

Morana smirked, knowing that she had already won.

She pulled that Knife Wire taughter, swinging Cathedral into the tree.

Cathedral screamed in pain as the wire cut into her skin.

She let loose another five shurikens, pining Cathedral to the tree.

Her power erupted, her voice turning poisonous.

It was at that moment that Morana realized her mother was trying to take control of her.

With a gasp, she stopped herself, her voice turning back to normal as she spoke, "Cathedral, I'm giving you one last chance!"

Cathedral stared at her, unable to believe what had just happened.

"Morana, this isn't the last of me you will see." Cathedral sneered, "I know that you can't bring yourself to kill me."

"How do you know?" Morana asked, her voice turning icy cold.

Cathedral laughed, "I know you really well, you know?"

"Are you planning to bank on that? Because your life is on the line right now." Morana challenged, the Knife Wire arround her hand making her wince.

Cathedral fell silent for a moment.

"Well? What do you say? Everyone else is dead except for me, Adrienne, and Scott, are you not willing to let us go?"

Cathedral began to laugh, "Let you go? Morana, out of all people, you should know how stupid that is!"

"Kill me then, watch my blood flow out of my body, I dare you!"

Morana broke into a wicked smile, "I won't kill you that way, and you should know. I'll send you to the bottom of the ocean. Or maybe I should learn from my mother's foe, Adira queen of the gods, and cut your soul up? Trap each piece into a different shell?"

She laughed, "I'll be able to hear your scream in each shell, you'll forever be in pain. Is that what you want?"

Cathedral finally fell silent.

"Stop this stupid gameshow right now, go back to being Cathedral Lilian."

Out of all the things in this world Morana thought would happen, Cathedral chose to begin crying.

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